Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What is Self Confidence?

The nature of life is that it sometimes throws us a curve ball. Not everything always goes according to plan, and we can start to doubt many aspects of our own personal psyche. This can be true of any number of areas of life from our finances, to our spiritual health, or the state of our relationships with others. But the abiding thread that links them all is our own sense of self-worth and self-confidence.

If life somewhat resembles a rollercoaster, then self-confidence is the ability to realise that the rollercoaster will come to an end, and that the highs on the journey are just as disingenuous as the lows.

Knowledge of that fact doesn't necessarily help of course when you happen to be at the low end of the spectrum! But it is nevertheless useful to reflect on moments in your own life, and realise that it is generally only when things are going badly that most of us start to doubt ourselves, and wonder if we will ever see the sunset again.

In addition to viewing self-confidence as an amalgam of the rich tapestry of life's experience, it can also be viewed in the context of a minute by minute appraisal of how we view ourselves.

This tends to come into play with such issues as body image, and in this regard there are generally more differences between the sexes.

Men most certainly do suffer from body image at times, and it would be a rare man who said that they haven't at times looked at parts of their own body and wished them different. But the fact remains that whilst men do harbour thoughts about ways that they would like to improve themselves (six-pack abs please!) that there are perhaps greater issues of self-confidence over body image when it comes to women.

There are probably sound biological reasons for this in all honesty in addition to the much trotted out, "media influence", because the fact remains that men (shallow creatures that we are!) do tend to be unduly influenced (at least at first, we get deeper later!) by how a woman looks. And women are certainly not blind to that fact, so certainly in young women there is always a pressure to look good in order that they will find more success with men, and that inevitably plays into the whole question of self-confidence.

Looked at in the cold light of day, perhaps it could be said that if someone had perfect self confidence that they would occupy some kind of island, looking out contentedly at others, but not unduly concerned by their opinion. But we know that in reality no such person exists, and hence that self-confidence is an issue for all of us.

And then of course there genuinely is "media influence" that projects images of ultra-skinny girls on to the consciousness's of women, and does make them doubt their own appearance.

Self-confidence is an issue that like the clouds is hard to pin down, but is all around us.

Are you a woman and you want to learn how to gain confidence in yourself? You don't have to be alone on this journey. Our programs will teach you how to increase your self confidence as you learn from women who are experts at different aspects of living a successful life joyously. Visit

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