Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Gaining Spiritual Awareness from Dreams

Empaths are emotional sponges who oftentimes have a hard time in this life. We would be wise to commit to a life that isn't drawn by fear and the pain of others. Crisis is an opportunity to shift our responses from negative energy and reaction. In crisis all things are possible and new things are born. Nightmares are the minds way of working through our negative emotions. We all dream. But how many of us pay attention to what our dreams are trying to convey to us?

Dreams are a portal of knowledge in the sub-conscious mind. It is a doorway to emotional freedom. We can gain much insight from our dreams if we are to learn to dream with conscious awareness. The dreamscape is obscure, mythical, mysterious, vast and surreal. However, there are threads of realism and connections to our daily lives. Before going to sleep at night we can ask ourselves to look for answers and insights in our dreams. What is it that we need to learn?

It is wise to keep a dream journal by our bed and write down what we remember of our dreams upon first waking. Look for patterns in your dreams. We can strengthen our own intuition by trying to decipher the meaning in our dreams. You can use the internet to decipher symbology of dreams. Preconceived notions take us out of the present moment. Letting go is not pushing feelings and emotions away from ourselves, but it is a way to gain perspective.

What we resist, persists. Allow the conscious mind to step aside and learn to just be with our feelings and emotions no matter what they are. The natural healing process begins when we allow for spaciousness. Tears are a way to cleanse, they are not a sign of weakness. They are a way to alleviate anxiety and depression. It is a way to reconnect with the sacred, to transform our perception, to see the humaneness of ourselves under the canopy of eternity.

We don't have to literally understand our dreams to gain insight from them. It is a process of allowing our intuitiveness to guide us. Our psyche is extremely intelligent and will never deceive us. As we gain insight from our dreams, we connect with the sacred and miracles happen. Expect miracles in your life! Embrace the mystery of life. Think on a galactic scale! Allow yourself the childlike genius within you to become your guide. When we become inspired by our dreams, and what we do, the universe rewards us with energy. Magic happens.

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