Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Managing Challenging Family Relationships

There is absolutely nothing quite like the worry that can easily come from strained and even broken family relationships. Our family members can easily be our ultimate allies as well as biggest sources of support; however, they can even be the ones who hurt us the most and leave us with the deepest scars.

Working to resolve family disputes and, in the process, mend the damaged bonds of family relationships, can be a significant part of diminishing your overall anxiety.

Who Said What!

Everyone enjoys a bit of gossip. However, in family situations gossip can be unbelievably detrimental so it is always best for you to take the high road and avoid listening to or sharing gossip about one family member to another.

When it comes to working on your relationships with those whom you've had a bunch of tension with, it is necessary that you are able to let go of past gossip and additionally let go of harboring grudges of those who might have spread the tales in the first place. If you can't let go of such a simple thing, it is going to be next to impossible to patch the additional feelings of ill-will amongst your family members.

Letting Go And Moving On

Do you keep in mind exactly what caused the rifts and tension within the family? Was it a little something you did? Or didn't do? Did a family member make poor life choices and you can no longer see them in any other light? In some cases an addiction or even a lifestyle can induce massive stress and tension in a family.

Nonetheless, if you choose to rescue your relationships you are going to need to learn just how to let go. You are going to need to learn|study just how to forgive and exactly how to move on.

Here are a couple tips so that you can achieve these goals.

• Consider joint counseling sessions that can place you in front of a neutral mediator that can help to get to the source of your fractured family relationships

• Sit down to explain the situation with the family members you wish to reconnect with; be certain to make use of non-confrontational phrases as well as feelings

• Bear in mind these three keys to overhauling relationships: honesty, open communication, and a motivation to admit that you may not always be correct

• Apologize if you have been in the wrong! Sometimes stating that you are sorry can easily mean a world of difference to the other party. Even if you feel highly that you just weren't in the wrong for the initial argument, the apology can be heartfelt as you apologize for the rift that the argument caused

• Do not bring it up again! When you say sorry and you forgive someone-- you make a commitment to leave that concern in the past where it belongs. Don't bring the arguments or incidents up once more-- let them go!

Mending those broken family relationships can oftentimes be hugely challenging. If the other parties are incredibly resistant to changing or to the process of moving on, then it might just be time for you to face the fact that not every relationship is salvageable. Do your part, make the effort to extend the olive branch, and leave it at that. Family relationships can only be successful if all involved parties make the effort.

Kaylee Murphy is a psychotherapist who helps people manage and reduce stress inorder to have more joy, freedom and better health. To get her free ebook so you can learn easy and clever stress reduction techniques visit her website today =====>

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