Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dump the Affirmations to Move Forward

Here are a few definitions of affirmations: af•fir•ma•tion [af-er-mey-shuhn] noun

1. the act or an instance of affirming; state of being affirmed.

2. the assertion that something exists or is true.

3. something that is affirmed; a statement or proposition that is declared to be true.

4. confirmation or ratification of the truth or validity of a prior judgment, decision, etc.

5. Law. a solemn declaration accepted instead of a statementunder oath.

Many people have shared with me that they no longer believe in affirmations. Some feel that they don't work because they seem to result in people stopping putting actions into their lives, rather like 'a wing and a prayer' attitude. I found this both intensely interesting and cautiously sad.

It is interesting because to me an affirmation is almost a self-fulfilling lie about what we wish to be while denying where we actually are. I can already hear you 'happy, happy people' screaming at me but this is how I feel. I feel that affirmations can be a line thrown to a drowning man only for it to get tangled around him because he simply has not learnt to swim.

I found it sad because we do not pay enough attention to self-honesty when we are now bombarded with so-called 'self- development and spiritual' books that tell you to constantly remind yourself how special, precious, loved and capable you are.

Of course you are all the above. After all, you are a true and infinite representation of the Universe and your God so therefore you were given, prior to this existence, all that you needed for this life and its success. Then man's world came in and kicked this around a little bit.

In getting bruised and a bit battered you decided that you may not be so worthy of all the above - but that is your decision and not your God's or the Universe's. So to me, no amount of verbal repetition whilst you walk around wishing you were not in your actual life will make you become stronger, smarter, more successful and wealthier - no matter how good the industry's marketing tactics.

When I talk to students I discuss the value of honesty: self-honesty. When asked about how to become strong and competent at talking to our Spirit Guides, I talk about the value of self-honesty. When asked why I think some people are able to conquer the world and do it several times during their life time, I talk about self-honesty. When asked why I think people are able to sustain themselves against the most horrific of times and come out to change their world or the world at large, I talk about self-honesty.

Self-honesty is not always as pretty sounding as an affirmation. Self-honesty is not always as refined as an affirmation. Self-honesty is not always as socially acceptable as an affirmation. Self-honesty will create a level of perfection and growth in your life that an affirmation never will because it is REAL; IT IS YOU; AND IT CAN DEVELOP.

So when you are:

• in doubt about something in your life;

• confused about something in your life;

• angry about something in your life;

• hurt about something in your life;

• frustrated about something in your life;

• in denial about something in your life;

• in hopelessness from something in your life;

• in great joy from something in your life;

• elated about something in your life;

• curious about something in your life;

then chat to your Guides about his. Chat like you are talking to a trusted friend over a good cup of tea.

Remember that you are human and you are perfectly entitled to feel what you feel and be able to feel it to its fullest. Denial will only create more angst in the brain and this angst will soon create a hard shell of fear. This fear will grow consciously or subconsciously in your thoughts, soul, emotions and daily behaviours - then one day it may crack wide open and leave you reeling with the shock of it. No amount of telling yourself how loved you are, perfect you are and capable you are will help you at that stage.

Self-honesty is the capacity to be clear and available with yourself about how you feel about what is happening with your life. Combined with this simple question, it will help you through everything, so pay attention.

Ask yourself during your self-honesty time: how will the next thought, feeling, action or inaction add a value to who I am and what I want to achieve? How will my next soul step (my internal and external behavioural and emotional content) contribute to the greater good of MY LIFE? Not my parents, the world, the children, the partner's and everyone else's - just MINE?

When you acknowledge how you feel and then give yourself permission to feel it plus permission to question how the next thought, feeling, action or inaction will add a value to who you are and what you want to achieve, you will find a human and soul-changing experience. You will find the lack of denial and pretence and constant affirming of what you want to be verses who you are and what you are truly capable of empowering. Your emotional content will become finer and more harnessed toward actioning yourself out of the situations you are in until eventually you re-train your soul and brain to no longer seek or be an unwilling partner in these situations that you think you need affirmations to cope with or deal with.

You lose the victimology and gain soul respect.

You take your excitement and success to a new level because you can acknowledge how well you did, how hard you worked - or didn't work! And that you are able to continue to grow within this success.

Self-honesty gives you the capacity to be honest without wallowing in problems and to praise without arrogance. This is the backbone of your capacity to grow and develop with your Guides and your Self.

Self-honesty gives you the capacity to clean up and monitor your life baggage, emotional baggage and your soul's baggage. As a direct result it cleans up the unhealthy stories you tell yourself and forges a great platform for you to develop your Intuitive and Emotional Intelligence.

Professional Psychic, Intuitive Profiler and Spiritual Philosopher Julianna Suranyi helps thousands of people around the world with personal guidance, behavioral change and spiritual growth online, corporately, via courses and the media. Sign up for her free newsletter or ask about your future now: => http://www.julianna.com.au

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