Thursday, December 8, 2011

Dating Tips: Do You Make These 3 Deadly Mistakes While Dating?

I see many singles today get into dating and pursue who they want in a relationship, go out on several great dates, and then blow the relationship and it ends up in a lot of unhappiness.

So let's take a look at 3 of the deadliest mistakes singles make, and then what to do instead.

Mistake #1 - This one happens when you believe that you need to make yourself more appealing to attract and "sell" yourself with an attractive packaging and presentation. When you make this mistake in dating, you fear that nobody wants you as you really are.

What to do instead: Be authentic. You will attract compatible people when you show them who you really are. Just be yourself. Don't present a fake you. It never works.

Mistake #2 - You focus on outside packaging such as someone's body, looks, job, wealth, material possessions and overlook the beauty and reality of the person inside. It is the opposite of the first mistake. Instead of seeking to sell yourself with attractive packaging, you focus on the packaging of others.

What to do instead: Look beyond the outside packaging to areas of real compatibility. This doesn't mean you should forget about chemistry, but put it into perspective, understanding it is only one element of what you require in a successful relationship.

Mistake #3 - This is one of the biggest mistakes singles make. You believe that there is a limited supply of possible partners, and therefore think that you have to settle for less or be alone. You believe you can't get what you really want because there is not enough to go around. When you expect less, you get less.

What to do instead: Define your first choice of what you really want and persevere. Trust that if you apply yourself you can get what you really want in life. Believe that you will say "No" to what you DON'T want, and "YES" to what you DO want.

Finding the love of your life is like taking a cross-country vacation. There are two ways that you can approach the trip: toss a few things in a bag and spontaneously jump in the car and go, or map out your journey with a plan. It makes all the difference to plan your relationship.

Remember your dating journey is one of the most important journeys you will make in your life. You can approach it randomly and make numerous mistakes. Or you can approach it consciously, map out your journey with a plan, and navigate those roads as best as possible.

And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to "The Love Plan E-zine" where you will find valuable information and learn skills that you need to create your relationship plan and find the love of your life when you visit

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