Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How Stress Hurts Our Bodies Without Us Knowing

I don't consider myself a "stressed out" person. You know who they are when you come across them. They tap their feet a lot. They look at their watches obsessively. They get very impatient in line at Starbucks and are rude to the barista. All in all, they are unpleasant to be around.

I know I am not this way. And, since I'm not this way, I pegged myself as someone who just wasn't stressed. But that was all before I had a massage.

The moment my masseuse laid one finger on me she exclaimed "WOAH." Well, she tried to say it in between my "ooh! Ouch!" Little did I know, she was barely touching me…

You see, if you don't allow yourself to talk about your stress, your body ends up doing the job of finding a way to deal with it.

I'm not the first one to discover this. Just go line up at a chiropractor's office. Most of the patients haven't undergone any serious "trauma." They are just stressed! I even came across the concept in a video about singing. A renowned classical vocalist was experiencing problems with her singing because of stress. Her voice wasn't working properly because of it. I had never heard of that before, but it proved that stress can manifest itself in so many ways.

There is a reason many people will tell you to just "let it out." Cry, scream, say a few choice words. Stress is a force. It is an energy. And if you know anything about energy, you know that it cannot be destroyed.

If you try to play nice, if you try to be pleasant for the sake of others, you might be the one to pay the toll.

My masseuse told me she had not felt tension in muscles like she felt in mine in all of her career. And, I believed her. A respond to email and have phone conferences most hours of the day. I'm a freelancer so, I have lots of "bosses" (editors) who change the direction they want my articles to take—articles I'm already half way through—multiple times a day. And there you have stress. But I cannot say something. So I don't. My body winds up telling my masseuse though.

Stress needs to go somewhere. And while no one appreciates the person who is rude to the counter girl at Starbucks, and no one aims to be mean or rude, we need to find a way to let stress out some way because if we keep it in. And that could mean hours spent at a chiropractor or masseuse--hours that take us out of the office and that stress us over missing work. Not to mention the bills that will also stress us out. So, find some way to externalize your stress, without hurting others.

Julia Austin is a healthy living, luxury lifestyle, travel and dating writer. Her articles on everything from skinny cocktails to online dating stories and even how to become a better singer with unique methods like http://www.thesingingzone.com/ have been featured on dozens of sites.

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