Monday, November 7, 2011

Will You Be Where You Want to Be in 5 Years?

I recently came across the 5-year rule in to assessing one's progress towards your personal goals. The five-year rule is composed to two simple questions: First, look at the past five years of your life and ask yourself, "Are you where you thought you would be?" Next, project what the next five years will look like and ask yourself, "Will you be where you want to be at that time?"

Almost everyone answers no to question, and the answer to question 2 is hard to predict. Whether the answer be no, yes, or maybe tells a lot about your personality and for most is probably a wakeup call. There are a few important questions you need to ask yourself as you address question 2.

First, do you want to be in the same place in five years as you are now? If you answered yes, it means you are content and comfortable with your life. You may say no, but do you really feel "yes?" For many people, even though we don't like parts of our life, it really is where we are comfortable and want to be. That is why some grown men live with their mothers and for a lot of people reading this, that is why you are where you are. The first step to getting yourself to a better place in 5 years is to firmly answer no to this question and then go on to the second question.

Second, are you willing to change? I believe that most people naturally come to rest in the position in life in which they are most comfortable. This position of comfort can range from destitute to very wealthy, and the odds are that if you think you will be in the same place in five years as you are now, you have probably fallen into your comfortable spot in life, and while you may complain continually about your lot in life, it is where you are most comfortable. I've met countless individuals who are dirt poor, very unhappy with their situation, and really want something different for their lives, but I would deem them very comfortable in their position. For most of them, it is the familiar but it is more so that they are uncomfortable with anything else. Something new, risk, the unknown, lost benefits. All of these things are far more uncomfortable than their current miserable situation, and they don't change. Once you have decided firmly that you want to be in a different situation in life, you must be willing to accept change. Start looking at the different parts of your life and ask yourself, am I willing to change this? If you answer no to most things, any attempts at change will likely be fruitless and you may want to seek ways to enrich your life in its current situation.

Third, what is your plan? If you are willing to change, make a plan. The fundamental principals to success in this life are resolving to change and then having a plan to make it happen.

If you want to be in a better place in five years, start by honestly answering these three questions.

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