Thursday, November 24, 2011

STRESS MYTH #2: Human Beings Sometimes Suffer From Stress

Copyright (c) 2011 M.C.Orman, M.D., FLP

(NOTE: This is the second in a series of eight articles on common myths about stress.)

In the first article in this series, I pointed out that most stress relief experts take it for granted that stress is something that actually exists, and that stress is something that people commonly suffer from.

In my first article (Stress Myth #1: Stress Is Something That Actually Exists!), I debunked the first of these two widespread myths. In this article, I'm going to explain why human beings never, ever suffer from stress.

Stress Is Just A Word That Stands For Something Else

Please be assured that when I told you "stress is just a word," I was not trying to convince you that any "stress" you experience isn't real or doesn't truly exist for you.

All I am saying is that whenever you think you are "suffering from stress," you are NOT! You are really suffering from something else.

And that something else can take many forms.

For example, when we say we are suffering from stress, we often mean:

--We are suffering from anxiety.

--We are feeling frustrated or angry.

--We are excessively tired or feel overwhelmed.

--We have tense muscles in our body.

--We just lost our job or our home.

--We just lost someone or something dear to us.

"Stress" Is A Word That Stands For…

You see, the real truth about "stress" is that it's a word we commonly use to stand for many different problems in our lives.

We use the word "stress" to stand for :

--Emotional problems

--Physical ailments

--Financial or work problems

--Interpersonal problems

--Self-esteem problems

--And hundreds and hundreds of other problems

Therefore, whenever we say we are "suffering from stress," we are actually suffering from very real problems instead.

These problems are not just words. They really do exist! And they really do trouble us from time to time. In fact, they can even make us sick.

Now some people might think there's no big difference whether you say you are suffering from stress, or whether you say you are suffering from problems. It's merely a trivial semantic point.

Well, it's NOT a trivial point at all! It can make all the difference in whether you are able to deal with "stress" successfully...or not.

I'll have more to say about this critically important difference in the next article in this series. But for now, I just want to make sure you understand that "stress" is just a word and that human beings never, ever suffer from stress.

What we do sometimes suffer from are very real--and specific--problems in our lives, and it is these specific problems (not the abstract concept called "stress") that we truly want relief from..

Mort (Doc) Orman, M.D. is a physician, author, and stress coach who has been helping people eliminate stress, without managing it, for more than 30 years. Follow his innovative stress relief blog at Download his free, 30-page stress mastery training "Common Myths About Stress" at (no email or registration is required).

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