Saturday, November 2, 2013

Time Management Tips - Use This Simple Exercise To Explore Double Messages And Free Your Time

Time management tips depend upon you to focus your full energies on a desired outcome. But all too often, you may find yourself of two minds about what you genuinely wish to do. What then?

In those cases, all the traditional time management tips in the world may not help you move forward. But that is no reason to give up. When you explore double messages, you begin a rewarding journey to reclaim those precious hours.

1. Don't Give Up - Look Back to Move Forward.

When you can't make sense of your time choices, perhaps you are simply working off of messages you received as a child. Why not take a few minutes to decipher these puzzling patterns? The insights are beneficial - especially if you enjoy replacing outmoded habits with more rewarding choices.

For this chronological makeover, you may need more than an accurate memory. You need to identify when words and actions don't match up. Did Mom and Dad always do what they said was most important? Or more often than not, did "What I do" bear no relation to "What I say"? Exploring your legacy of contradictions can improve your life greatly.

2. A Mixed Message Hits the Hardest..

For example, perhaps your father instructed you to make use of your time in one way but in fact his choices had no relation to what he advised.. How did you feel then, and what are your feelings about it now? Conflicting messages that confused you as a child can easily lead to "disconnects" in later life. And these mismatched impressions lead to painful, lost opportunities. Happily, you possess the ability to resolve these conflicts and redirect your energies in a coordinated way.. Better still, you have the power to make a significant move for the better right now.!

3. Double Message Exercise Brings Double Benefits.

A. Think of an example where you really wrestle with matching your time choices with your expressed values.

B. Now, recall a time during your childhood when someone you looked up to said one thing about time but did something quite different.

C. Jot down the message and the mismatched action.

D. Record how you felt about this at the time.

E. Compare and contrast your present struggle with what you witnessed others doing when you were young.

F. What's the same? What differs? What of patterns do you see? Patterns always tell tales.

G. Once you've discerned the gap between what is said and what is done, seek wisdom from your heart.

H. What insights can you gain from considering your parents' histories that will strengthen your capacity for change right now??

I. Which occurrences in prior years limit your understanding of what you are capable of??

J. Envision a path opening before you - one that leads to more rewarding time choices. Make this image as vivid as possible, so you can really experience your progress on this path. This simple exercise can free you to write a new life script for yourself..

K. Finally, visualize walking this path and aligning deeds with words. What do you need to give yourself? What is your first step?

Engaging in this exercise enriches your possibilities in at least two ways. It is essential that you bring gentle acceptance and full awareness to any time choices you once made that worked against you.. Empathy feels so much better! Second, you possess a stronger ability to change a troubling time choice, once you understand its roots.

And to energize and mobilize yourself, sign up for our free Finding Time Success Kit, with "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Steps to Find More Time & Recharge Your Energy!" at

This time template plus workbook will help you move beyond disappointment, and overwhelm. You'll find 24 hours really are enough!

Offered to you by Paula Eder, the Time Finder Expert.

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