Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Drug Addiction Recovery is Best with a Layered Approach

Drug addiction recovery may seem like an impossible mountain to climb, but the chance of recovery is always within reach - it really doesn't matter how hopeless the situation may seem, it is possible to change. Drug addiction treatment does need a layered approach. It is important that someone with a drug addiction gets the best support and treatment, yet also addresses the root cause of the addiction in the first place. In metaphor, the road to drug addiction recovery is long and bumpy with many possible potholes along the way, but just deciding that it is a road you want to take is a very important first step.

Drug Addiction Step 1 - Make the Decision to Change

Making the decision to change your life is the first and often the most important step towards recovery from drug addiction. You probably realize that drug addiction is affecting your life and your loved ones, but it still remains - this change is not going to be easy and will involve many different things.

• How you deal with stress.

• How you spend your free time.

• Who you spend your time with.

• Your opinion about yourself.

It's okay to be torn about the decision to change your life; it will entail some major changes about which you may be confused. It is going to take a lot of time, motivation, commitment, and support.

Here are a few tips to help you make the important decision to fight your drug addiction problems:

• Keep a record of your drug use - this way you will begin to see how much it is affecting your life.

• Make a list of the pluses and minuses of quitting - the costs, the benefits and everything in between.

• Think about how your drug addiction has affected your family and loved ones.

• Talk to someone who you trust, and ask them what they really feel about your drug addiction.

• Ask yourself what is preventing you from making the change, what could really help you to fight your drug addiction.

Drug Addiction Step 2 - Treatment Options

It is important to remember that there is no magic formula for drug addiction treatment - everybody is different and tailor-made treatment programs should be developed for each individual.

It is important that you find a drug addiction clinic which is prepared and able to customize a treatment program specifically for your needs. There are many branches of treatment which need to be brought together for a successful drug addiction program - drug addiction does affect your whole life, which includes not just your health but also the health of your relationships, career and overall psychological wellbeing. You need to follow a drug addiction program which addresses all of these things, and enlists the family as helpers to ascertain the reason why you turned to drugs in the beginning.

If drugs were your way to handling stressful situations then you will need to learn other methods of stress management as a part of your drug addiction treatment to prevent the whole cycle from returning.

Remember that this is no quick fix - you may enroll in a residential drug addiction treatment program, or an outpatient treatment program may be more suitable for your needs. Make sure that the rehab center you choose can combine many different elements of drug addiction and includes a tailor-made relapse prevention program which involves your family and loved ones.

Help with drug addiction may also entail treatment for other psychological or medical issues - often necessitating in combined drug addiction and mental health treatment programs. If all of these issues can be addressed under one roof, you have a much better chance of success.

Drug Addiction Step 3 - Your Support Network

No man is an island, you cannot do this alone so don't be ashamed to reach out for support. A solid system of support is essential for your success - you need people around you to guide you, encourage you, support you and provide an ear when the going gets particularly tough.

• Friends and family should provide the basis of your support network. Lean on them and let them help you.

• It may be necessary to build a whole new network of friends if your former social life was solely revolving around drugs. A group of sober, drug free friends are essential for your recovery. Join an evening class, learn a new skill, go to church, join a new social group, volunteer - integrate with new, sober friends.

• You may find it necessary to move into a sober, drug free home at the beginning of your drug addiction treatment. If you do not have a drug free, supportive living situation to go to this could be your only option.

• Join a support group and attend the meetings - make it a priority. It can really help to spend time with people who know exactly the problems you are facing and what you are going through.

Drug Addiction Step 4 - Learn how to Cope with Stress

If you have chosen a professional rehab center which provides a combined drug addiction program then this should all be a part of the service. Some ideas for stress relief include meditation, exercise, relaxing strategies, yoga and breathing exercises to challenge your own self defeatist or negative thoughts.

Drug Addiction - The Final Steps

You should be well on your way to a healthy, drug free life. In order to maintain this new lifestyle, however, it is important that you do things you enjoy and get involved in activities that bring you pleasure. Reward yourself and fill your life with purpose, and addiction will begin to lose the power it once had over you.

Take up a new hobby, get a pet (dogs love walking and walking is such a good way of relieving stress), become involved in your local community, maintain healthy eating habits, and keep away from any triggers that might hamper your progress. Stay away from clubs and bars, don't be tempted to contact old drug taking buddies, and stay healthy.

A healthful life is not just beneficial to you. Many others will become recipients of the rewards of your recovered life. Start today by calling a trusted addiction treatment facility to learn more and start your road to a new you.

The Mission of Santé Center for Healing is to address addictive behaviors and associated conditions with an integrated gambling addiction treatment model, drawing from traditional and innovative approaches. Our services are open to individuals and families who seek recovery from addictive behaviors, with a focus on treating the addicted professional. Learn more at

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