Friday, November 29, 2013

Recovery Programs Provide Options for Those Suffering with Addiction

The majority of recovery programs are designed, specifically, to suit a particular addiction problem, although many of the symptoms and roads to recovery are actually the same.

Choosing the right type of recovery program is vital for success, but knowing which the "right type" is might sometimes be a little easier said than done. The secret is that there is no secret, the best and most successful addiction recovery programs, whether they are for drug addiction, alcohol addiction, sex addiction, gambling addiction, or for some other type of addictive behavior, must include many different aspects of treatment in order to be successful over the long term.

A drug addict is not "cured" when the effects of the drug have been removed from his body. An alcoholic is not "cured" when they haven't had an alcoholic drink for a week, a month, or a year. But, there is hope to live a successful and healthy life in abstinence from their addiction - living in healthy recovery.

Understanding the reasons for the addiction in the first place is a very important part of the most successful recovery programs. It is also important to understand that any type of addiction does not only affect the patient suffering from addiction, but also their whole family, friends, colleagues, and support network. Many of these people should be involved in recovery programs, both for the success of the program for the patient and in helping the long suffering family and loved ones to understand the problems, their triggers, recognize symptoms, and deal not only with the recovering patient, but also with their own emotions. Living with someone suffering from addiction may be a nightmare, but living with someone in active recovery can be fairly traumatic, as well.

Recovery Program Options

Alcohol and drug addiction recovery programs will start at the root of the physical problems and aim to rid the body of the effects of the drug and / or alcohol, often using medication to help with the withdrawal symptoms in the early stages. Once all traces of these substances have been removed it is time to start with the next, very important stages of any successful recovery program.

It is important to remember that there is no "magic bullet" when it comes to recovery from addiction; instead, a successful program must be customized to suit the unique, individual problems of each person and their situation.

· Residential treatment programs. These programs may be the answer and can treat many types of addiction very successfully. While the patient is in a residential treatment program they will undergo an intense regime which will, in itself, include many types of therapy, counseling, and other treatment options.
· Outpatient treatment programs. This may be the best, or the only option for some patients. This type of program may be just as intense but does not remove the addict entirely from their normal daily lives. Some outpatient treatment recovery programs may include an intense, daily program of treatment with the patient leaving every evening. Other types of outpatient recovery programs may involve the patient attending weekly, bi-weekly, or shorter daily sessions according to their needs.
· Relapse prevention programs. These are a very important part of the treatment which must not be overlooked. In order for any patient to live a successful, healthy life in recovery it is important they understand the reasons for their addictions in the first place, recognize, and avoid triggers which may cause them to relapse and have a great support network in place to help them through the most difficult times. This support network must also be aware of the triggers which must be avoided and know how to recognize the signs that the patient may be slipping back into their old, addictive, harmful ways.

Many of the treatments involved in addiction recovery programs are the same for alcohol, drug and other types of addiction. It is often found that the root problems of the addiction are surprisingly similar - being unable to deal with the stresses and trials of life without the use of alcohol or drugs to help is often one of the basic problems needing to be tackled.

Family Support for Recovering Addicts

It cannot be stressed enough how important it is for any patient to have a good, strong support network, most generally from their families. It is, however, important to remember that every member of the family unit will have been adversely affected by the addiction. With loved ones often feeling they have been driven away during the onset of the addiction, communication is very often broken down by the time the addict enrolls on any type of recovery programs.

Establishing and maintaining strong family relationships can be the lynchpin to the success of the recovery for the patient, so it is important that the treatment includes the family members every step of the way. Some family members may need to be involved in individual therapy and counseling sessions in order for them to really understand the problems faced by the addict and how to help them on their own path to recovery, as well as to successfully navigate their own path through this very difficult time.

Some of the very important ways in which family members can help with this are:

· Being there to talk with the patient, whenever they feel like they need a friendly ear. Just having the opportunity to open up and talk freely about these things really can help - a problem shared really is a problem halved in many cases.
· Helping them to build a new life away from their old, harmful buddies and haunts. This can be surprisingly difficult, but is essential in order for any recovering addict to live a healthy, successful life. The best recovery programs will teach both the patient and the family about strategies to build a new life and help to beat cravings. Alcoholics must avoid bars and clubs - family members must respect this and ensure that alcohol is not freely available in the home, not even for cooking purposes. This is just an example of how family members can help with the overall recovery process.

Recovery programs that are tailored to each specific patient offer the best hope of success. Addiction is an overwhelming disease, if you or someone you love is suffering, start researching now to find recovery programs that feel like a comfortable fit.

The Mission of Santé Center for Healing is to address addictive behaviors and associated conditions with an integrated recovery treatment model, drawing from traditional and innovative approaches. Our services are open to individuals and families who seek recovery from addictive behaviors, with a focus on treating the addicted professional. Learn more at

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