Monday, November 4, 2013

Drug Addiction Recovery: Changing Your Life to Create Success

Drug addiction treatment programs are only a first step towards living a successful life in recovery. Successfully completing treatment and walking in recovery includes many steps, such as:

· Enrolling on an inpatient or outpatient treatment program for drug addiction.
· Completing the program.
· Taking part in some sort of relapse prevention program.
· Continued attendance at counseling sessions, therapy groups, and more.

Learning the necessary resources will encourage the person suffering from drug addiction to live a clean, sober, successful life. It is an essential part of the building blocks of the recovery process. Unfortunately, many people suffering from drug addiction will relapse in one way or another. There is no "cure" for drug addiction and anyone who has suffered is always at risk of falling back into their old, harmful ways.

Some people will find it extremely difficult to change their lives in the ways required in order to live a healthy life in successful recovery. It will almost certainly involve a change of friends, perhaps a change of address, certainly a change of habits -- in fact a whole new way of life. It is important for anyone who has undergone a drug addiction rehabilitation program to recognize the triggers which were involved at the beginning of the addiction and not fall into the same old traps.
Drug addiction is very often the result of other problems - it can be a person's way of dealing with stress, with loneliness, with a feeling of helplessness. This is why it is important for the person to move on with their lives and find some other method of coping should these familiar feelings start to recur.

The truth is that stopping the use of drugs does not cure you from being a drug addict. What really can help is for the person to create an entirely new life which does not involve drugs and makes falling back into drug use difficult. Without a new life, then the whole vicious circle is very likely to start over again in time. Studies show that after five years, the chances of going back to drug use is very rare; but those could be the most difficult five years of a person's life if they haven't put the correct procedures into place to ensure their success.

It really is about removing the triggers from your life, thereby not tempting fate, so to speak. Change is always easier said than done, even "good change" can be difficult to manage; but change is essential after drug addiction problems.

Changing Your Life to Create Success after Drug Addiction

· A new circle of friends and social life is essential after anyone has completed a drug addiction treatment program. All temptations and "bad influences" must be removed and kept away from a person suffering with drug addiction. This will, no doubt, be difficult to achieve as many people are drawn back to familiar faces and surroundings, but this really is a road to nowhere. One good idea is to take up new hobbies or learn new skills at classes or clubs - meeting new friends with a common interest can take up the time and efforts of a recovering addict.

· It may be necessary to move to a new house, or even a new neighborhood. Some people recovering from drug addiction may not simply be able to go back to the family home, build bridges, and a new, successful life.
· Some people recovering from drug addiction problems may need to find a new job. This is always easier said than done, but it is important that the addict fills their day with meaningful, useful tasks learning new skills, meeting new people, or earning a decent wage for themselves and their families.
· Honesty is one of the most important things which must be welcomed into the life of a patient in recovery. Living a lie did not get them very far in the first place, so they need to realize that it is one slippery slope which must be avoided at all costs. If nothing changes in their lives, then they will very quickly go back to their old habits.

After completing a drug addiction program, the addict really does have the opportunity for a fresh start, and with change and support, they can embrace that opportunity with open arms.

The Mission of Santé Center for Healing is to address addictive behaviors and associated conditions with an integrated gambling addiction treatment model, drawing from traditional and innovative approaches. Our services are open to individuals and families who seek recovery from addictive behaviors, with a focus on treating the addicted professional. Learn more at

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