Friday, August 2, 2013

Time Management Tips - 4 Frank Guidelines To Safeguard Your Time Using Courage

Time management tips are useless - without courage to back them up! You must risk others' resistance and resentment on occasion, in order to accomplish what is of prime importance to you. Call on your courage anytime you need to stand up for significant priorities and set boundaries to protect your valuable time.

You will encounter countless challenges throughout a typical day to develop your courage. Do whatever you need to do to keep from being so caught up by outside demands that you are spent and frayed when evening comes. Learn how standing in your power reveals fresh possibilities to you.

The following quote speaks to the centrality of courage in a well-spent life. Courage is the fundamental loyalty to yourself that enables you to be trustworthy and trusted.

"Courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point." C.S. Lewis

Guidelines for Courageous Living

Here are several tips to make the most of your time by building courage - one of the finest time management tools you can use:

The essence of courage is proactive thinking.

Enter the tumult of your busy day with a clear sense of your worth. Since your health and peace of mind are of prime importance, commit to protect these in the face of countless temptations and demands.

As each day starts, envision yourself encountering each challenge. Notice how each decisive action helps you progress on your path. Identify which tasks can be undercut by others' interruptions and requests. Next, give thought to how you will remain true to your objectives if asked to give up your goals for another person's priorities. By celebrating your power of choice at the onset, you are in a far better position to relate assertively and with maturity.

Courage frees you and others to be genuine.

It can feel like quite a risk to let go of pastimes you adhere to primarily to please others. It's helpful to keep in mind that no matter how many hours you invest in trying to accommodate others' wishes, you can't "make" them happy. Nor are you responsible if they are displeased when you choose to spend your time elsewhere. When you respect their right to respond to you as they choose, and not how you want them to, you create space for everyone to relate authentically.

Courage provides you with inner balance amidst demands.

Of course, courage to say "No" to others does not mean distancing them. On the contrary, as you become more attuned to your own needs, you can also appreciate others' wishes and preferences. This helps you relate with sensitivity while keeping your own priorities protected.

Heart-based time management means you say "No" clearly when you need to protect your time. Yet you also extend yourself, reaching out in caring ways as your schedule allows. Your authenticity and realism take precedence over giving in to demands that leave you overextended and resentful.

Courage evolves as you deepen.

Courage grows incrementally, and you build it one choice at a time.

It becomes multidimensional as you articulate who you are, slowly and steadily. The farther you send down roots of self-loyalty, the more you can branch out in new directions.

So any time you feel your life is lacking in vitality and resonance, ask yourself if there are ways you can extend yourself by calling on your courage and taking new risks to find time for what matters most.

To safeguard your time, sign up for our free Finding Time Success Kit, with "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Steps to Find More Time & Recharge Your Energy!" at

This time template plus workbook will help you move beyond disappointment, and overwhelm. You'll find 24 hours really are enough!

Offered to you by Paula Eder, the Time Finder Expert.

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