Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Sword of Prosperity

Copyright (c) 2013 Joe Vitale

A friend said he was considering making a large purchase but was worried about spending the money.

"Do you have the money?" I asked.

"Yes," he said, "but it'll be close. We don't have a surplus."

"Do you want the item you are thinking about buying?"

"Absolutely!" he exclaimed.

"Then you must buy it," I declared.

"I must?"

"What will you be telling yourself if you don't buy it?" I asked. "Won't you be affirming lack and limitation? Won't you be saying you don't deserve what you want? Won't you be declaring you don't have faith in yourself, your future, or your ability to attract more money?"

"I never thought of it that way."

"And what will you be declaring if you do buy the thing you want, when you have the money to buy it?" I continued. "Won't you be declaring that you deserve it? That you live in an abundant universe? That you believe in yourself, your future, and your ability to attract even more?"

I was basically giving my friend a lesson in Prosperous Purchasing, which I explain in my free e-book, Attract Money Now.

In short, if you have the money, and you have the desire, then you must make the purchase.

I remind myself of this lesson all the time.

Recently I saw an antique cane sword. It's a walking cane from the 1800s, with two hidden swords in it. I have no use for it, but I felt it was cool. I also knew it was "expensive," as most antiques can be. I resisted buying it because of the amount and the non utilitarian nature of it.

After all, I don't need a walking cane.

And I don't need a walking cane with two swords in it.

So why buy it?

But then I remembered Prosperous Purchasing.

Buying the sword cane would open a portal in me to further prosperity.

It wasn't about the antique; it was about my mindset.

As with my friend, I had to step in the direction of abundance, not scarcity.

I had to coach myself into understanding that buying the cane -- which I really wanted and have the money for -- would be an affirmation of prosperity; it would in fact help cut through any internal blocks to attracting even more prosperity.

So yes, of course, I bought it.

And yes, my friend went ahead with his purchase, too.

And we both elevated our vibration -- which means our energy level and happiness shot upwards. That feeling alone was worth the purchasing. That feeling would help attract even more prosperity.

Let's go a little deeper with all this…

There are at least three things you need to do with money to help yourself attract even more of it:

1. Give it.

Some call it tithing. I can't find any exceptions to this universal truth: the more money you give away, the more money you will attract. You have to be comfortable with money, of course, else you could block your receiving of it. And you have to give where you receive spiritual or inspirational nourishment. But you have to give. It's a law. If you're struggling with money right now, ask yourself when was the last time you gave some away to a source that nourished you?

2. Invest it.

You can save money for something that delights you and/or you can invest it in ways that make you feel prosperous now and in the future. Some people buy stocks; I buy collectible guitars. Some people buy land; I bought an antique sword cane. Help money help you by saving it and investing it. It's a way to respect money. Again, if you're struggling with money, ask yourself if you are joyfully investing and/or saving the money you already receive.

3. Spend it.

Money needs to circulate in the world to do the most good for the most number of people. Spend money that you have at hand (don't go into debt) on what you truly want, and do it with a feeling of appreciation. Arnold Patent said, "The sole purpose of money is to express appreciation." I totally agree. When you pay a bill or order a product or service, feel authentic gratitude for the ability to do so. This feeling of gratitude will help you attract even more to be grateful for. If you're having an issue with money right now, ask yourself how you feel when you spend what you have on your bills or on yourself.

And here's the punchline to the above story:

A day after I bought the double sword cane, I received a partial advance for a book deal that more than covered the purchase of the antique.

Did my purchase attract the income?

Yes, I believe so.

What seems to happen is this: When you practice taking care of yourself, the Universe will in turn take care of you.

Since we are all one, and the "You-niverse" is really you, you are ultimately always taking care of yourself.

Think about it.

PS -- I am astonished by the kinds of unusual canes people created and carried over the centuries. I thought they were just used for walking. Wrong. From 1550 to 1930, everyone carried one. The most fascinating of antique canes is the "systems" cane. These are early gadgets in walking sticks. In the United States alone, there were over 1,500 patents for functional or secret canes. These might hide weapons, like a sword or a gun, but could also be designed for a surgeon (with knives and medicinal instruments in the handle) or a gambler (with dice inside the shaft) or drinkers (with flasks in the handle). Canes could conceal cigarettes, a pipe, smelling salts, opium, cash, coins, telescopes, microscopes, lighters, watches, barometers, fishing poles, swords, guns, or makeup. There are hundreds of examples. My sorcerer or hypnotist's cane has a pendulum and candle inside, and a crystal ball on top. The Phrenology cane was a cheat-cheat for reading the bumps on your head. Some an
tique canes were even musical instruments - with a lute, or a mandolin, or even a violin inside. I love creative thinking like this! Talk about prosperity! Anything truly is possible!

Dr. Joe Vitale is the star of the hit movie, "The Secret." He is also the author of way too many bestselling books to mention here. To name a few: The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits and his latest, Attract Money Now. He's also recorded many Nightingale Conant audio programs, and most recently, "The Abundance Paradigm." He also created a Miracles Coaching program and much more! For more information on Joe Vitale, go to:

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