Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Secret Russia Lesson: Where's Money Come From?

Copyright (c) 2013 Joe Vitale

Russia still owes me money.

Well, not Russia, but a couple of Russians.

It's been a year since I was in Russia for an intense, relentless and unforgiving schedule of speaking gigs, seminars, news interviews, press conferences, autograph parties, movie filming, television interviewing, Q & A sessions with the public, private interviews, and more. Except for help with the seminar, I had to do everything alone. It was exhausting. Good thing I was paid well.



I wasn't paid.

It's been a year and I still haven't been fully paid for that trip.

When I ask the Russian promoters where my money is, they tell me to ask their partners. When I ask them, they say it's not their issue. And so it goes.

When I was in Russia, I was told Russians don't take personal responsibility for anything. They even have a popular book titled Who's Guilty? Their national pastime is pointing the blame elsewhere.

This isn't unique to Russia, of course. Virtually everyone has issues with taking personal responsibility. Russia just happens to be the trigger for this blog post.

Given the above, it shouldn't surprise me or anyone else that I still haven't been paid for my adventures in Russia. I've forgiven them and (almost) forgotten about the deal. The only reason it surfaced recently is they invited me to return to Russia and speak again. (!)

I'm passing.

But this raises a curious question: when someone owes you money, what do you do?

From a Law of Attraction perspective, I got a match to my unconscious fears. At the time, I didn't trust Russia. It was part of my childhood programming (1953 on) to fear them. When I was a child in the sixties, Russia was the enemy. I learned not to trust them. So I created an outer circumstance to match my inner conviction.

But now that I've cleared the beliefs in my unconscious about Russia, what do I do about them owing me money?

From a more Divine view of life (as expressed in my upcoming new audio program The Abundance Paradigm), the money they owe me will come to me - but maybe not from them.

In other words, a big mistake is needing a debt to be paid by the person who owes it. I wrote about this in my book The Attractor Factor. The money doesn't need to come from that source. If you think it does, you're setting yourself up for a battle with egos and disappointment.

This is not to say you shouldn't ask for the money (as I did with Russia) but it is to say you live in an abundant universe and the money can come from someplace or someone else. Don't waste your time letting a debt eat up your well-being.

In reality, money doesn't come from people, it comes through them.

Get that: Money doesn't come from people, it comes through people.

Life is a lot smoother and richer when you forgive and forget. After all, when you hold resentment, the only person that is hurt is you. The emotional pain is in you.

Again, don't think this post is about Russia. It isn't.

I found Russia fascinating and met people there I fell in love with and long to see again. I just won't go back under the same circumstances. I've learned and moved on.

You can, too.

As David Hawkins says in his book, Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, "In the spiritual world the basic dictum is, 'There are no justified resentments'."

The more you release resentment and forgive, the faster you can Attract Money Now.

PS -- Of course, if you owe money, pay it. Don't fudge on your responsibilities by thinking the person you owe can get that money from somebody else. Doing so sends a message to the Universe, and your own unconscious mind, that you aren't to be trusted. You can sabotage all your intentions by not honoring one agreement with yourself or another. In short, pay your debts. It'll help you attract money now.

Dr. Joe Vitale is the star of the hit movie, "The Secret." He is also the author of way too many bestselling books to mention here. To name a few: The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits and his latest, Attract Money Now. He's also recorded many Nightingale Conant audio programs, and most recently, "The Abundance Paradigm." He also created a Miracles Coaching program and much more! For more information on Joe Vitale, go to: http://www.mrfire.com

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