Thursday, June 13, 2013

Time Management Tips - 3 Keys To Free Yourself From Perfectionism Traps

Time management tips are welcomed by perfectionists, who wish to bring their best to everything. But you know painfully well how perfectionism actually holds you back. It's a terrible time-waster, and is nerve-wracking, as well. So learn how to be 'better than perfect' and enjoy your life with far more success.

That isn't the only problem with overly high standards. Perfectionism lowers the quality of your life in the moment as you struggle to attain unrealistic goals. In fact, non-perfectionists might accomplish just as much with considerably less wear and tear: think of the missed meals, the troubled sleep, the way dissatisfaction with yourself interferes with your fully enjoying time with friends and family.

You can't retrieve the precious moments you have lost, of course. But through assertive compassion, you can free yourself from perfectionism, one step at a time. Embark upon this heart-based journey to get there.

You Can Liberate Yourself From Perfectionism Using These 3 Keys

Freedom Key #1: Trust Your Heart's Guidance.

Perfectionism is based on several lies, starting with its attack on your self-esteem. Underneath the drive for excellence is often an insidious self-rejection. If you believe you are not good enough, you look to a perfect product to hide behind.

As you warmly accept who you are... all of you... you feel your desire for perfection starting to melt. This simple step can be quite dramatic. You assertively and compassionately stand up to your inner nagging voice, because you embrace your humanity, foibles and all.

Freedom Key #2: Welcome and Retain Validations.

Self-esteem is anchored in self-reference. But feel free to engage allies in your fight for the self-confidence you deserve. Receiving caring feedback from others may help you appreciate qualities of yours that you now ignore or take for granted.

So, use your thoroughness on your behalf instead of against yourself. Maintain a file of validations, compliments and thank-you notes that you have received for what you have created or accomplished. When you question the acceptability of your current project, pull out this file, read it and believe it. These affirmations counter the fear-based voice that drives your perfectionism. Work to bring these into your heart. Through this process, you will learn to give yourself the positive validations that help fuel your productivity.

Freedom Key #3: Let Go Joyfully.

Your heart is your sole source of inner abundance. So tap this power-house of compassionate wisdom to overcome feelings of "not enough". Envision what you make or produce as a gift being given. Offer your project with good will and good wishes - and notice how different that feels from the anxiety and distress that permeates perfectionism.

These three keys require courage to use, initially. You must face that you have forfeited your power to a part of yourself that hurts you. But once you own this insidious pattern, and compassionately resolve to give yourself something better, change will occur!

Few challenges are more rewarding than engaging in assertive compassion on your own behalf. It will brighten your day and ground you more fully in the present. And your productivity will increase, as well. So overcoming perfectionism is a fight worth fighting!

Now, what can you do to proactively protect your time from unfair demands today?

To safeguard your time, sign up for our free Finding Time Success Kit, with "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Steps to Find More Time & Recharge Your Energy!" at

This time template plus workbook will help you move beyond disappointment, and overwhelm. You'll find 24 hours really are enough!

Offered to you by Paula Eder, the Time Finder Expert.

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