Wednesday, June 26, 2013

AVETMISS Compliance and AQTF Indicators

In the field of vocational education and training, Australia is one of the world's best. In keeping with this mark of excellence, the AQTF or the Australian Quality Training Framework was established. Once a Registered Training Organization or RTO, either run by the government or by a private entity, meets the standards contained in the framework, there is no doubt that the vocational education and training it provides to the public is recognized all over Australia.

The first standard that an RTO has to meet is to be an AVETMISS Compliant. This means that an RTO must have a student records management system capable of storing and exporting data based on the AVETMISS standards. Compliance of the standards can be determined by the gathering of the following information:

1. Basic details such as name, age, sex, geographical location, indigenous origin, disability record, and vocational education training background are gathered upon enrollment of students or trainees in an RTO.

2. The type of training provider, where the training was conducted, and the source of the training funds - either from the government, training territory, federal ministers, or community.

3. The enrolled number of units of competency as basis for qualification, modules for courses, how the instruction was taken - either in a traditional classroom, on the job, or through online instruction, the outcome of the training, and date of issuance of the parchment qualification.

These details need be stored in the student management information system ready to be reported to the NCVER or the National Centre for Vocational Education Research. Said information will then be processed by the NCVER validation software to ensure compliance of the AVETMISS and of the AQTF standards.

The success of Registered Training Organization or RTOs can be determined by the AQTF Quality Indicators. There are three (3) indicators that have been identified which are relevant to RTOs in continuously enhancing their services, to wit:

1. Learner Engagement. This deals on the extent in which learners are actually engaged in activities that promote superb and quality results. This incorporates learners perception as to the quality of the competency they received from the RTOs.

2. Employer Satisfaction. This indicator mainly focuses on the appreciation of the employer on the learner's competency development, its relevance to the job being performed in the workplace, and the further training necessary to be done. In other words, the employer is allowed to evaluate the total quality of the training results.

3. Competency Completion. This is the barometer that the public should first consider in the choosing RTOs. This indicator shows the mass of enrollments, number of completed units of qualification, and the units of competency awarded during the previous calendar year by RTOs.

The value of being an AQTF compliant is translated in the aforementioned indicators. Essentially, RTOs have to meet the demands of the public, thus, requiring compliance of the AQTF and the AVETMISS standards. Once done, students or trainees can be assured that their chosen RTO is one of the best vocational education and training providers in the Australian region.

The writer blogs about AVETMISS, AQTF and learning management systems at

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