Saturday, June 8, 2013

Tarot Cards And You: Are You Skeptical?

For anyone with an even slightly scientific mind, the idea of referring to tarot cards to get a glimpse into the future may seem unthinkable.

But a pack of tarot cards is really only a tool in the hands of an intuitive person, not necessarily, as some think, an oracle in and of themselves.

There are different opinions as to the origin of the tarot, but traces of its heritage go back as far as the mid-15th century.

The most common tarot card pack in use today is the Rider-Waite deck, created in 1909 by A.E. Waite, a prominent member of an occult group called the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The images were created by Pamela Colman Smith and the 78-card deck was the only one readily available for a long time.

The Rider-Waite deck comprises two broad segments known as the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.

The Major Arcana comprises a group of figures including Temperence, Justice, The Tower and The Sun based on Christian as well as pagan symbolism.

The Minor Arcana is more in keeping with a modern deck of cards in as much as it is segmented into 4 'suits' - but rather than spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs, it has wands, pentacles, cups and swords.

Although the Rider-Waite deck is the most common, there are now a vast range of decks that a reader may choose from. Whichever they choose to work with, the way of working and interpreting them will often be very similar.

The tarot card reader will shuffle the deck and then arrange them in a way that will be interpreted.

Those who criticize the tarot maintain that the fall of the cards is pure chance and that any association made between the cards is just random speculation. Proponents however would argue that the subconscious of the reader is at play, connecting to the enquirer on a very deep level and choosing cards according to what is appropriate for the reading.

The argument between the spiritualist and the scientist will most likely continue for a very long time. But it does not stop many millions of people finding enlightenment and solace in the use of the tarot deck to help in the decision making process and to choose between different paths in life.

A skilled tarot reader is often much more than someone who can interpret the fall of cards. They can often assist you in your personal development and help you find answers to many of life's questions.

Sally Thomas is a writer covering topics of personal and spiritual growth. Moonlight River - has information about the tarot and finding an online tarot reader -

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