Monday, June 24, 2013

Boost Your Self-Control by Working Out Your Willpower Muscles

"Willpower". It's only one word, but it's a big predictor of how much success you're going to see in your life. Specifically, the more willpower you have, the better you're going to do in business, with your family, even with your health!

But if you think you have to be born with tons of willpower, think again. Instead, studies have shown willpower is something you can develop - just like the muscles you bulk up by going to the gym!

Obviously, though, doing squats, lunges, and crunches isn't going to help your willpower.

So, what will?

These 7 willpower "exercises":

1. Brushing your teeth with the opposite hand.

It may sound strange - or even downright impossible at first - but it's a great way to build up your willpower muscles. After all, if you can stick with it and master something this awkward, what else can you control in your life?!

2. Replace all of those other drinks with water.

Your teeth will love it and so will your willpower muscles! Whether you're a fan of coffee, soda, or juice, make a conscious decision to cut it out and drink water instead. Not only will you develop more self-control, but you'll feel a whole lot healthier.

3. Promise to be more positive.

If you tend to fly off the handle when things get tough, stop. Luckily, this isn't as hard as it sounds. In fact, every time you react positively instead of negatively, you're working on creating a new habit - and strengthen your willpower muscles in the process!

4. Breathe better.

By focusing on deep breathing - instead of the short breaths that come when you get upset - you'll be less likely to get angry and stressed out. This will also make it easier to react positively to things.

5. Practice perfect posture.

Even if you can't say it three times fast, you can do it! You may not realize it, but the way you sit at your desk all day affects your overall health. Plus, making a conscious effort to sit up straight (just like Mom always told you!) will help strengthen your willpower muscles.

6. Focus on your personal development.

Working out your willpower muscles involves some mental training, too! Find some books that teach you about personal development. That way, you can analyze your behavior, have an easier time seeing chances for change, and learn how to make yourself a better version of you!

7. Enjoy the ride.

Unlike that 6 AM trip to the gym, working on your willpower muscles needs to be fun. If it isn't, you'll never see any results!

Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D. Wattles and the publisher of the "The Power Correspondence School" ebook package that contains ten lessons by Wallace D. Wattles on health, wealth, the development of talent, and marital happiness. Grab your copy now at:

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