Friday, October 25, 2013

Time Management Tips - 7 Searching Questions Help Unlock Your Deeply Rooted Time Problems

Time management tips help you live bigger if you're willing to think bigger. This article features a quick exercise to expand your sense of possibilities. It can be quite liberating!

Do you ever feel like you're swimming in circles, longing to learn more creative, effective ways to get things done? Well, to graduate from a fishbowl existence, there's nothing like asking the right questions. Deep questions about things you take for granted. After all, you know the common wisdom:

"It would hardly be fish who discovered the existence of water." Clyde Kluckhorn.

So to discover the existence of assumptions about time you never knew you made, travel back in time to explore the roots of your beliefs. Give voice to what you heard from those closest to you when you were a child.

The rhythm of your family's time choices moved through you from your first moments. So it's hardly surprising that you may frequently overlook ways you restrict your options. Your family legacy about time use is a current that will run through you unchecked. That is, until you see it, claim it and use your power to change your scripts!

Family Origin Exercise - Identify Your Lifetime Scripts About Time Choices

You can learn a surprising amount about yourself with the deceptively simple fill-in-the-blank exercises. Bring a friendly receptivity to your exploration to obtain the most enlightening results. By opening up your family history, you enrich yourself. If other family members also shaped your approach to time, include them in your exercise, as well.

1. I liked the way my mother/father always took time to _______.

2. My mother/father always dreamed of __________ but never took the time.

3. When under stress, my mother/father would spend more time ________.

4. My mother/father spent lots of time _________ no matter what.

5. When my mother/father took the time to _________, I felt like I mattered.

6. I used to promise myself in the past that I would not ever spend time ________ the way that my mother/father did.

7. When I look at where my life feels out of balance and think of my mother/father's time choices, I see that ____________.

* What do you learn by completing this exercise?

* What insights startle you?

* Where do you see parallels between your time choices and those of your family members? In what ways do they play out at present?

Some of your discoveries might feel bittersweet. But they lead to freedom!

Remember that the more compassion you feel as you view their time choices (and yours), the more possibilities open up to you.

Consider revisiting this exercise over time. See what percolates today, tomorrow... and why not ask your dreams for their input, too!

As you intuitively make your way forward, you will discover more and more possibilities. The best way to honor your legacy is to consciously choose what to bring forward, and what to release.

So take an assertive and well-considered risk to find new time and start the most exciting chapter of your life.

And to energize and mobilize yourself, sign up for our free Finding Time Success Kit, with "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Steps to Find More Time & Recharge Your Energy!" at

This time template plus workbook will help you move beyond disappointment, and overwhelm. You'll find 24 hours really are enough!

Offered to you by Paula Eder, the Time Finder Expert.

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