Tuesday, October 1, 2013

8 Most Common Mistakes Leaders and Managers Make

Learn the following common mistakes managers make to better lead your people towards your goal and attain overall success.

1. Do it yourself. Accomplishing a certain task poorly done or left unfinished by an employee is not the best thing to do, but rather helping and guiding him do his job properly and letting him take over. The principle of this step is comparable to the thought of the classic line: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." Leaders do not have to do easy tasks. They should be delegated to others, so they feel engaged, and they'll learn.

2. Lack of clear communications. Transparency in communications is a sign of good business today. It's important that each team member knows what's going on. It's best to have an effective channel for dialogue and a method for participation.

3. Having no vision. If the team doesn't have a certain direction, then they are compared to a row boat with the people rowing in various directions at different speeds and times, resulting to waste of energy. Vision is important, if not indispensable.

4. Lacking spirit and excitement. Individuals want to feel part of something worthwhile, something bigger than themselves. Therefore, helping them feel good about the team will help them be motivated and engaged. Be enthusiastic in sharing with them the accomplishments and successes of the team.

5. Lack of feedback. Employees, even talented and high performing ones may still have some poor habits they may not be aware of. Until they are not alerted of the problem, most likely, they will continue doing the same thing. Providing prompt and accurate feedback is essential in improving performance.

6. Not making time for the team. A manager or a leader gets easily caught up in his own busy schedule and workload, inevitably making himself unavailable to his team. It's true that there are many things that need to be done, projects to be accomplished, but the team members should come first. Besides, they are the ones who will help you do your job well and attain success for the organisation. It's very important that you are there when they need you, instruct and guide them when they are confused. Schedule a regular time when your office door is open for them.

7. Being too friendly. Most managers want to be seen and/or considered approachable, accommodating, and friendly to the whole team. Afterall, individuals are more happy working for a manager who is as described. But, some people may take advantage of your friendliness, especially if it goes a bit over board. So, it's important to make tough decisions someimes, about your relationship with the members of your team. This does not mean that you cannot socialize with them. But remember to balance being a friend and being the boss.

8. Stagnating. Learning is a continous process. It does not stop even if you're already at the top. One will not run out of things to learn, so if you stop learning, your team stops learning as well, and they can be left behind by the many developments in today's organisations. Read books and do research. Consider taking leadership training courses.

Continue learning, gaining, and honing necessary skills to be an effective and respected leader. Take the comprehensive leadership training courses in Melbourne developed by ICML. Visit their website to sign up:http://www.icml.com.au/

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