Monday, May 5, 2014

If You Don't Use Truth You'll Lose It

Have you ever noticed that when you discover a new truth you want to share with everybody. You find it somewhat frustrating that most people do not get nearly as excited about the truth as you do. If you experience enough rejection about the truth you yourself will begin to question it. If you do not apply the truth into your own life After time you will forget all about it. By contrast if you continue to study more about what you have discovered your knowledge and the benefits of that truth will continue to grow.

In the book of Matthew chapter 13 you'll read the parable of the sower. This is about the farmer as he was hand broadcasting the seeds into the field he had prepared. Some of the seeds fell on the pathway and birds ate them. Some of them fell on shallow rocky ground and they sprang up rapidly but had no root system and in the sunshine they withered and died. Others fell among thorns and weeds and were eventually choked out by them. But the seeds that fell on good ground produce between 30 and 100 fold. Christ's disciples asked Him why he lectured in parables. Christ explained the parable to the disciples and showed them that the different soils were like different conditions of the mind. The seeds that were sown represented truth. He went on to say that there were many who had eyes but couldn't see and ears but couldn't hear. He said that those who applied the truth would acquire more truth but those who did nothing with it would lose what they had.

This principle is true in every aspect of our lives. If we apply ourselves to learning the laws of human physiology we will reap the benefits of a healthy life. If we learn that there is something that we are doing it is not good for us, but we enjoy it, and choose to continue doing it we will lose the benefit that that truth would have for us.

The overwhelming problem that most of us face today is what is truth. In the area of health alone there are many apparently conflicting truths. Are we open-minded enough to entertain other people's beliefs. The greatest enemy of excellence is good enough. In my lifestyle coaching I find that some people are willing to change their lifestyle if it will help them achieve a specific goal. There are others that are unwilling to give up destructive habits. They are looking for a magic bullet that will allow them to continue in an unhealthy behavior. One of the problems of our modern mindset is that we look for the one cause of our problem. To achieve success there are usually several steps involved. We didn't get to our present situation by one choice. Many times when we make a bad choice we followed up with another bad choice trying to correct it.

The vast majority of the people that I talk to in lifestyle coaching have a pretty fair idea of the things in their life that require some modification. The biggest reason that we do not change them is because there is something else that is even more important to us. Most people will achieve what is most important to them. There are times that if you truly want to achieve a goal you'll have to change what you eat, you may have to change who your friends are, you may have to change what you do for entertainment, and may even have to change the way you dress.

Many of us are entrenched in false beliefs that make it very very difficult to turn our life around. Food, politics, religion, and family are incredibly powerful influences in our lives. Not surprisingly it is in these areas that many of us face our most difficult challenges.

If you are frustrated on the road to your goals and are interested in some Christian-based lifestyle coaching please contact me on my website with any thoughts or questions you may have.

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