Monday, May 19, 2014

Are Morning People More Successful?

Rise and shine, sleepyhead. Success is just around the corner, but first you have to drag yourself out of bed and greet the day. Everyone needs a little time to themselves. Sometimes that time is at the end of the day, but having some "me" time before the day starts has proven to be a key to success for many.
Numerous studies show that early risers are more apt to attain measures of some success. From entrepreneurs to politicians to athletes, many see the early part of the day as a key time to prepare for what lies ahead.

While others remain in dreamland, many successful people already are planning their day. Early morning hours are not filled with as many distractions and give many successful people the time to compile to-do lists that actually might get accomplished.
Getting up before the crack of dawn also allows successful people the opportunity to get in some exercise without being interrupted by an important phone call or having to make a crucial financial decision.

You are also more likely able to set a positive vibe for the rest of the day. Stay in bed, oversleep and then you are rushed to start your day and you feel like you always are trying to catch up. This lifestyle mode and lack of time management adds stress to relationships and simply is not healthy. Successful people have mastered the idea of managing their time. The earlier you arise, the more time you have in the day to build relationships and make important, well-thought out decisions.
Those who work toward success are not only refreshed in the morning, they seem to be more optimistic. These people usually have a routing that prepares them mentally and physically for the upcoming day. They are ready to get down to business in the morning thanks a renewed sense of energy that leaves them feeling ready to tackle the world. Their sense of willpower and self-discipline is never higher than in the morning.

Recent studies suggest what successful people have known for a long time. People exhibit one of mankind's most difficult attributes -- self-discipline -- earlier in the day. Willpower, the study concluded, is similar to a muscle and can become overworked with fatigue throughout the day. By the time you arrive home, the lack of willpower can leave you feeling zapped. Successful people might use the early morning as the time to formulate difficult decisions and with the help of self-discipline stick by their decisions.

Successful people, according to studies, have more time in the morning to eat a healthy breakfast that helps them start the day off feeling refreshed, which results in clear and concise decision-making and a renewed sense of being able to deal with distractions.

Marko Rubel is the CEO and founder of Real Estate Money and its a nationally known real estate investment coach. For the latest news in real estate investment updates visit our site

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