Thursday, April 10, 2014

How To Boost Your Self Esteem With Breast Lift Surgery

As a woman gets older, it's just natural that her breasts will begin to droop, however, some have a tendency to droop way farther than others due to extreme weight loss or a previous pregnancy. There doesn't seem to be any exercise or herbal medication that is able to counteract this natural process and therefore many women turn to breast lift surgery in order to restore their breasts to their original, younger looking, position. Breast lift surgery has become more popular as of late because of the increasing numbers of baby boomers having hit middle age. This breast lift surgery sometimes includes implants but not always. Let's take a look at the procedure itself, the benefits of the procedure, and the time required to recover in more detail.

In order to have a <a href="">breast lift surgery procedure</a> done, the woman will need to undergo general anesthesia and be under for approximately 4 hours. During the procedure doctors will remove some underlying breast tissue, raise some breast tissue, and then reshape the tissue in order to give a more youthful and firm breast. Many times the areolas are also reduced in size by removing skin around the perimeter and are also raised to a slightly higher position to appear more youthful. Then excess skin is removed in order to tighten the area, which compensates for the lack of elasticity due to age. There are very few complications associated with this type of surgery and normally no further treatment is needed other than a final checkup. Breast lift surgery is usually not recommended for women that are not finished having babies as the tightened skin doesn't stretch well a
nd may become a problem when breasts become enlarged due to the incoming milk..

After having <a href="">breast lift surgery women</a> should severely limit their lifting and upper body movements for at least two weeks to avoid having complications due to aggravating the tissues prior to healing. And, she should also understand that, after a period of about 10 years, another similar procedure will be needed, depending on how healthy a lifestyle she has maintained in the meantime. Large weight fluctuations can accelerate the stretching and drooping and cause an earlier return to surgery.

In order to choose the best physician for your breast lift surgery it's important that you do proper research both online and by word-of-mouth. Begin by checking with any friends, relatives or neighbors who have had successful breast lift surgery in the past to see if they have a good doctor they recommend, or quite possibly one they don't recommend as well. Then, go online and find the websites of the doctors on your list making sure to read their client testimonials as well as negative feedback in order to rule out doctors with ongoing problems. On the website the doctor's qualifications and certifications should be well noted, but if not, move on quickly to a different doctor. Then, make an appointment for a free initial consultation with several of the doctors to get a feel for how well they know their business, and how comfortable you are with them in person as well.

As you can see, while breast lift surgery is considered a major surgery, it is not overly complicated and is quite commonly done. If you do your research and choose an excellent surgeon, you're very likely to be completely satisfied and gain a large boost to your self-esteem due to a greatly improved body image.

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