Sunday, February 10, 2013

Time Management Tips - How To Reduce Procrastination Using 3 Strategic Questions

Time management tips for overcoming procrastination surround you. But those irksome tasks continue to remain on your To Do List. Answering strategic questions can free you up to approach these projects with a different mindset. If it's worth it to you to answer 3 questions honestly in order to get the job done and have time left over, read on!

You need a strong will, of course. Think of everything that distracts you... How do you finally choose what you'll do? What gets left behind? It's good time management actually, to delay work on low-priority projects! But if you face serious consequences for ignoring something important, confronting your Procrastinator Gremlin is absolutely essential.

The Procrastinator Gremlin feeds on denial. The better you are at putting things out of your mind, the more unfinished business accumulates. What happens to all the loose ends? What happens to your peace of mind?

The fact that you are reading this article shows that you care enough about yourself to want to put those difficult projects behind you. Deep inside, you already know that you will be happier and more energetic if you meet challenges right away. Mark Twain offered the following advice:

"If you know you have to swallow a frog, swallow it first thing in the morning. If there are two frogs, swallow the big one first."

Why Procrastinate Anyway?

To overcome the procrastination habit, make quick progress by identifying the payoff that tempts you the most.

1. Perhaps you procrastinate with a pleasurable distraction.

2. Maybe forgetting your challenge feels better than facing it squarely.

3. You might rationalize that you work best under pressure.

Write down what temptation undercuts your positive control. Then identify what messages you give yourself that aid and abet your Procrastinator Gremlin. For example, you may tell yourself something like:

"I'll just do a little web surfing first..." (This is bargaining as a stalling tactic.)

"Ugh - I feel terrible just thinking about starting my taxes!" (Empowering your feelings weakens your will power.)

"Oh well, the project always jells at the last minute." (How handy to forget the mistakes that sneak under the fence when you're rushed!)

It may help to overcome your denial if you remind yourself that no matter what the motivation behind your procrastination, the unfinished business will still poison your pleasure.

Breaking the Procrastination Deadlock:

To create an antidote to the Procrastinator Gremlin, ask yourself:

1. If you decide to stop procrastinating, what will end?

2. If you decide to stop procrastinating, what will begin?

3. What first step will you commit to right now?

Zeroing in on your personal issues helps you get a better handle on your decision-making process. You're much less likely to let the sneaky messages of the Procrastinator Gremlin lead you off track! With practice, you'll build the courage and commitment to face tasks squarely and complete them, leaving you with quality time to enjoy!

Now, how will you mobilize yourself to reduce procrastination today?

So, ready to feel empowered and energized? Use this FREE Checklist with 15 simple steps to set and maintain strong, clear internal boundaries. Visit to give yourself this powerful tool today, and sign up for other FREE bonuses at the same time!

Offered by Paula Eder, PhD, The Time Finder Expert.

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