Sunday, June 1, 2014

Time Management Tips - You Can Create Foolproof Priorities Using The 3-3-3 Exercise

Time management tips help you live effectively. But without clear priorities, you can't become who you've wanted to be. Build prioritizing skills and you strengthen your decisiveness, build confidence and maintain others' trust.

What could be more important? Using exercises like 3-3-3 on a daily basis will significantly improve your quality of life by developing your power of choice.

Why Are Clear Priorities Life-Changing?

Anytime you establish priorities, you map out the consequences you are prepared to cope with. So even small decisions shape your life in ways you can't currently imagine.

It's not simple. Prioritizing how to use your time inevitably involves letting go. Furthermore, you must make peace with what you give up. Facing the limits of how much you can squeeze into your day promotes maturity and resolve. That is so important - but it doesn't mean it's easy!

To help yourself transition to a new level of effectiveness, use this straightforward exercise

The 3-3-3 Exercise: Envision The Outcome in 3 Days, 3 Weeks, And 3 Years

Whenever you are torn between two options, take a trip into the future to clarify your priorities.

Visualize 3 Scenarios:

What will be the outcome of selecting one option over its alternative?

In 3 days? In 3 weeks? In 3 years?

You'll find this investigation most powerful if you jot down responses to each scenario. Don't think too carefully at first. Just write quickly and put down the first thing that comes to you, even if it seems inconsequential. Let your subconscious paint a picture. Take in its color and details. Your intuitive imagination contributes its own special wisdom. Once you've explored this, and only then, activate your analytical thinking. Write specific, logistical outcomes for each course of action you're considering. This will ground your overview in practical considerations. Are there monetary consequences? How are others affected?

Pros And Cons

Another approach is to list pros and cons for each option. It might be useful to give each course of action you're considering its own page. Then you can hold the lists side by side. Top each list with the pros and cons that are of prime importance to you. Follow with the next most important consideration, etc. Compare the pros and cons for each prospect and decide accordingly.

3 Is Not A Magic Number

Remember: this is your exercise. If different time spans are more appropriate to consider, by all means revise the timeline. Maybe twenty years is more pertinent. Just bear in mind that your needs and priorities may very well shift through the years. At the same time, don't commit yourself to future sacrifices that you'd do anything to avoid at present!

How You Gain By Traveling Through Time

Comparing consequences over multiple time spans gives you a richer understanding of the life you are shaping through your choices. What seems urgent at present may fade in importance, as you consider other long-range needs. Fantasizing the future can be a very powerful time tool that helps clarify your best choice for right now.

As you add to your prioritizing skills by engaging in the 3-3-3 Exercise, notice how it can compassionately guide you through the day. You keep your own best interests at heart at all times, and assume positive power over your time.

So, what priorities would you like to set in place right now?

And to mobilize yourself, sign up for our free Finding Time Success Kit, with "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Steps to Find More Time & Recharge Your Energy!" at

This time template plus workbook will help you move beyond disappointment, and overwhelm. You'll find 24 hours really are enough!

Offered to you by Paula Eder, the Time Finder Expert.

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