Friday, January 10, 2014

Time Management Tips - How To Transition Successfully And Age Creatively Using The 4 A's Of Aging

Time management tips can befriend you for life. The best time tips help you transition successfully as you navigate the developmental stages of living.

Growing into your power as you age requires that you engage in a constant process of recognition and readjustment. This is truly transformational evolution! The more wholeheartedly you engage, the more creativity you bring to each challenge. You reap great rewards, ripening into a seasoned and resilient sage.

Growing into middle age provides a perfect example. Naturally, you constantly evolve, but the trajectory of acquisition shifts suddenly when your body slows down. However disruptive this feels at first, you can use it to your advantage. When you embrace the challenge of aging, your freshness of outlook will present you with countless opportunities to enhance your life satisfaction.

Let's say you are someone who has always enjoyed being energetic, efficient, and productive. You may notice a shift in what you are able to accomplish in a particular span of time. It happens gradually, but the realization may come upon you suddenly.

Perhaps one evening you find yourself feeling puzzled and frustrated; you just can't pack as much into a 3-hour span as you used to. This is normal, if not welcome. You may experience upsurges in stamina, and then downturns. Over time, the cumulative effect is a lessening of vitality. And gradual waning continues, for as long as you are lucky enough to be here.

Following are four tips to direct your energy to creatively adjust.

4 A's of Aging to Creatively Ripen Your Power

1. Alertness:

Accepting reality provides a solid foundation to build on. It involves both seeing what is, and also honestly experiencing your feelings about what you are confronting.

To the degree that you deny your aging, you will constantly be at odds with what you encounter. The ongoing work of revision, on the other hand, strengthens your core and preserves your balance.

2. Adaptation

Once you have accepted the fact of change, you liberate your energy and creativity to proactively meet each challenge you encounter. This may mean changing the way you do things. It will also entail modifying your expectations to life as it is.

Paradoxically, genuinely coming to terms with the limits of your control helps you direct your energy more effectively to what you can change. So your net result may be exercising more power than ever before!

3. Agility:

As a former dancer, agility has always been a foundational skill for me. So I love bringing it into my aging process. And its importance extends to my responding with nimbleness to any challenge. I generate heightened alertness and unconditional commitment to meet each moment with my full power. Ultimately, it is a powerful resource as I journey through time!

4. Acceptance:

Acceptance opens the door to creativity - a quality that grows with total commitment. And total commitment requires full awareness and self-acceptance. Face your aging and anchor yourself in the present, making the most of your ever-changing resources in an ever-changing world.

Old age, too, presents remarkable opportunities. Not only can you enjoy the benefits of the disciplines you've developed so far - you can also make wiser time choices. Balance and perspective accrue through the years. Expectations are seasoned by experience. Heightened knowledge of mortality intensifies the beauty of the moment. At least it can, if you use each moment to the best from here on.

Identify the age-related shifts you notice as you move through your day. How does each one affect your energy, focus, and productivity? Try tracking this for a week and see what you learn. And don't forget to welcome and process your feelings about your discoveries. These are areas that you are likely to experience as losses initially. As you accept this, you can transform it!

And to energize and mobilize yourself, sign up for our free Finding Time Success Kit, with "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Steps to Find More Time & Recharge Your Energy!" at

This time template plus workbook will help you move beyond disappointment, and overwhelm. You'll find 24 hours really are enough!

Offered to you by Paula Eder, the Time Finder Expert.

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