Friday, January 3, 2014

How to Change a Bad Mood

When you're in a really bad mood, it might feel like nothing can snap you out of it.

Are you caught up in negativity and bad feelings and you don't see a way out? There are actually things you can do to improve your mood. Although all people are different and we all measure our bad moods in different ways, there are some tried and true techniques for breaking a bad mood. Because of your negative mood, you might not be open to trying some of these, but you should try them anyway. Even though your heart may not be in it in the very beginning, once you get into some of these strategies, it won't take long for that bad mood to lift.

1. Work it out. While doing exercise when you're feeling grumpy might not seem like an attractive plan of action, it's actually one of the best things you can do. Endorphins, which are associated with feeling good, are released through physical activity. Not only this, but it could well help you work through some anger or feelings of aggression that have triggered your bad mood.

2. Get unplugged. Many, when in a bad mood, waste time surfing around the net and spending time on social networking sites. This, in general, does little to improve your mood, on the contrary, it could well put you in a worse mood. Because many people begin to compare what they have with what others have when browsing their friends' profiles, looking at social networks might affect you negatively. What people share online are usually the best of the best moments, rarely a complete snapshot of their lives, but this can make you feel like your own life could never be so perfect. Do yourself a favor and turn off your computer and put down your smartphone if you're feeling down in the dumps.

3. Get out of the house. Now that you've closed your Internet down, get yourself out of the house for a period of time. Go outside and be in nature, if at all possible. If that's not possible, or not your thing, go to one of your favorite spots where you can be around other people. Maybe try a local coffee shop, restaurant, store, or park.

4. Call your friends up. Being in a bad mood usually makes us pretty antisocial, but if you surround yourself with good friends, your bad mood won't be able to stick around for long. You might even find yourself faking a good mood for your friends' sake, and then surprise yourself by actually beginning to feel batter!

5. Do something for someone else. Nothing snaps a person out of their bad mood better than a little bit of perspective. There's always someone who is in a worse situation than you are, and if you set out to help a person in need you're sure to have your own problems put into perspective in no time.

6. Laugh. Put on your favorite movie. Listen to your favorite radio show, comedian, or call up a friend who makes you laugh. Put your favorite soing on and dance around your house like you're in a hilarious movie. You might not feel like laughing at first, but once you start you'll find that your mood will improve in spite of what you expected.

Peter Field is one of the UK's leading therapists. He is a qualified counselor, psychotherapist, nutritionist and Board Certified hypnotherapist. More info can be found on his therapy website Peter's self hypnosis for anxiety download is now available at

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