Thursday, January 30, 2014

Six Sure-Fire Tips for Successful Selling This 2014

It is a new year, and while this might seem a little hokey or old-fashioned, it is the ideal moment to take a breath, leave behind last year's frustrations and resolve to make 2014 the most successful year you've had to date. Identify what is not working, come up with fresh ideas, and attack this year with renewed fervor. Here are six pieces of advice that will start you off on the right foot in sales in 2014.

Maintain the Mystery. It is a huge mistake to rush your initial sales call and give everything away. Maintain the mystery and keep some of what you're giving away in reserve. Use the meeting instead to find out more about what your new contact needs and leave the materials for follow-up meetings.

Read Between the Lines. We live in a society. That means we sometimes don't say exactly what we mean in order to be polite - and that means "let me sleep on it" or "let me think it over" doesn't mean those things literally, they mean "No." It is always better to get a real answer than to be strung along.

The Presentation Is Not a Fact-Finding Mission. When presenting to potential clients, stick to what has already been asked and answered. It is not the right time to bring up new questions or introduce new ideas.

No One Said You Had to Enjoy All Aspects of Your Job. Sales can be exhilarating. But getting to the exhilarating part can take a lot of tedious cold calls and prospecting. No one enjoys it - but it is essential. Don't make excuses to avoid it - focus on your goals and just understand that prospecting is the price to be paid.

Always Be Scheduling. When talking to a potential prospect, you're trying to determine if they have any interest in your product or service. If they do - do not hesitate, suggest an appointment. This gives everyone breathing room and takes the pressure off, but locks in that interest for future exploitation.

Always Be Learning. A prospecting call that doesn't end in a sale or an appointment isn't valueless. You can learn from failure if you keep your eyes, ears and thoughts open. Over time, your failed calls will have taught you countless lessons about how to handle yourself and how to engage people so they are interested.

These pieces of advice can help you make 2014 your most successful year ever - if you take them to heart!

Lewis Fogel is the president of FL Sales Consultants, Inc. based in Delray Beach, Florida. Sandler Training provides training solutions and consulting for small- to medium-sized businesses as well as corporate training for Fortune 1000 companies. Sandler's non-traditional selling system plus innovative reinforcement training has made us the global leader in sales training. For more info, call (561) 279-3300 or visit

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