Friday, January 31, 2014

Diet Plans And Menus - Revisiting The Eat Your Colors Diet

There are dozens and dozens, if not hundreds, of <a href="">diet menus and plans</a> out there. The Eat Your Colors Diet was created by Marcia Zimmerman, a nutritionist. It is associated with Ayurvedic medicine, a system of traditional medicine native to the Indian subcontinent whose components include herbs, massage, and yoga. As you may guess from its name, food colors play a major role in this diet. The accent is placed on yellow, red, and green foods.

Ayurvedic medicine and this diet claim that individuals belong to one of three groups, Vata (yellow), Pitta (red), and Kapha (green). Each group is associated with both a distinct body type and personality type. For example, Kaphas tend not to talk a lot and to store excess weight on their butt. Each group has a different list of foods to privilege and those to be avoided. For example, Vatas are expected to avoid caffeine and excessive alcohol while Pittas are expected to avoid lamb, duck, and several other foods. The list of foods to privilege is rather complicated; it is broken down into colors and varies from one group to another. Obviously, if you are going to follow this diet you have to determine which is your group and then learn a long list of dos and donts.

A major advantage of the Eat Your Colors Diet is its reliance on fruits and vegetables. You won't lack for vitamins or fibers. On the other hand, this diet is complicated, even for a single individual. The situation may really get out of hand if family members belong to different groups.

Many popular diets place a major focus on <a href="">wine</a>. The Eat Your Colors Diet does not. Pitta group dieters are told to avoid alcohol. On the other hand Kapha group dieters should consider red wine to be an important item in their diet. As always, in moderation.

Here is a sample menu: Menu (Kapha) For breakfast: have a slice of whole grain toast and a cup of tea or coffee. . Lunch: time means a green saled with corn and tuna fish in a balsamic vinegar and olive oil dressing, a cup of brocolli, and three (count them) croutons. For supper eat a green salad with beets, a dish of pureed bocolli, cauliflowers, and carrots, a cup of black beans, and a cup of green rice. A quick tour of the Internet revealed only a single book with this title. It was available in both traditional and electronic versions. What more do you need?

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Six Sure-Fire Tips for Successful Selling This 2014

It is a new year, and while this might seem a little hokey or old-fashioned, it is the ideal moment to take a breath, leave behind last year's frustrations and resolve to make 2014 the most successful year you've had to date. Identify what is not working, come up with fresh ideas, and attack this year with renewed fervor. Here are six pieces of advice that will start you off on the right foot in sales in 2014.

Maintain the Mystery. It is a huge mistake to rush your initial sales call and give everything away. Maintain the mystery and keep some of what you're giving away in reserve. Use the meeting instead to find out more about what your new contact needs and leave the materials for follow-up meetings.

Read Between the Lines. We live in a society. That means we sometimes don't say exactly what we mean in order to be polite - and that means "let me sleep on it" or "let me think it over" doesn't mean those things literally, they mean "No." It is always better to get a real answer than to be strung along.

The Presentation Is Not a Fact-Finding Mission. When presenting to potential clients, stick to what has already been asked and answered. It is not the right time to bring up new questions or introduce new ideas.

No One Said You Had to Enjoy All Aspects of Your Job. Sales can be exhilarating. But getting to the exhilarating part can take a lot of tedious cold calls and prospecting. No one enjoys it - but it is essential. Don't make excuses to avoid it - focus on your goals and just understand that prospecting is the price to be paid.

Always Be Scheduling. When talking to a potential prospect, you're trying to determine if they have any interest in your product or service. If they do - do not hesitate, suggest an appointment. This gives everyone breathing room and takes the pressure off, but locks in that interest for future exploitation.

Always Be Learning. A prospecting call that doesn't end in a sale or an appointment isn't valueless. You can learn from failure if you keep your eyes, ears and thoughts open. Over time, your failed calls will have taught you countless lessons about how to handle yourself and how to engage people so they are interested.

These pieces of advice can help you make 2014 your most successful year ever - if you take them to heart!

Lewis Fogel is the president of FL Sales Consultants, Inc. based in Delray Beach, Florida. Sandler Training provides training solutions and consulting for small- to medium-sized businesses as well as corporate training for Fortune 1000 companies. Sandler's non-traditional selling system plus innovative reinforcement training has made us the global leader in sales training. For more info, call (561) 279-3300 or visit

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Time Management Tips - You Can Increase Your Priority Power Using Collaboration

Time management tips can enhance every life-changing choice you make. Strengthen your negotiating power as well as your scheduling skills by attuning yourself to each participant in upcoming projects.

To combine forces as effectively as possible, think in terms of dependencies. When you do, your Priority Power will rise appreciably.

Thinking In Terms of Collaboration and Dependencies

In this instance, the term "dependency" is an aspect of project management.

In essence, when a task you share responsibility for requires collaboration, the "dependency" is someone outside of your immediate work group who plays an essential role in your achieving your goals. When you prioritize tasks, dependencies must be factored in and accounted for.

For example, let's say that you work closely with a few different departments at your job. You need to establish a working budget every quarter, so you look to the finance department to supply you with accurate figures. Because they generally take about a month to assemble and present you with the necessary data, prioritize your request. Therefore, you need to make it well in advance of your due date. This way, you get the data you need with time to spare.

When You Are At The Hub Of Others' Plans

It's helpful to bear in mind your centrality in others' plans, as well.

For example, let's say your daughter depends on your help to assemble a costume for the school play. She counts on your assistance, and you welcome that responsibility! Your caring and sense of responsibility give this activity a high priority.

Advantages of Factoring In Dependencies When Prioritizing

Thinking in terms of dependencies and consciously welcoming them as you structure your collaborative work rewards you in more ways than one.

1. Chances are that your productivity increases with every incremental step forward.

2. The more you think in terms of coordination, the more understanding you develop of the entire working system. In the same way that defensive driving helps you view the traffic patterns more astutely, you'll find that a holistic overview of your workplace helps you establish more realistic priorities and due dates.

3. Finally, note how staying attuned to others' needs and time constraints often promotes good will and flow. As you understand others' priorities, they may in turn relate with more sensitivity to yours. Your time is enhanced, you become more efficient and effective, and general morale increases.

Remember, there are always new ways to develop more productivity while clarifying important relationships.

And to mobilize yourself, sign up for our free Finding Time Success Kit, with "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Steps to Find More Time & Recharge Your Energy!" at

This time template plus workbook will help you move beyond disappointment, and overwhelm. You'll find 24 hours really are enough!

Offered to you by Paula Eder, the Time Finder Expert.

Thinking About Dieting - The Fit For Life Diet

There are dozens and dozens of <a href="">diet plans and menus</a>. The Fit For Life Diet was created by Doctor Harvey Diamond and is based on the principles of natural hygiene. About half of your food intake comes from raw fruits and vegetables. The theory is that raw foods contain unaltered enzymes, which are destroyed by heat during cooking. Giving a place of privilege to raw foods provides your body with extra energy from proteins and carbohydrates. Here are some of the principles.

You should eat at least as much raw food as cooked food. Eat a lot of fruit. According to Doctor Diamond fruits are the most indispensable part of our diet. They contain fiber, are rich in glucides or fructose, and provide energy. Furthermore, they constitute the only foodstuffs that need not be digested by the stomach. Eat only fruit (or drink freshly made fruit juice) for breakfast. They help the body to eliminate waste, a morning activity. Don't eat too much. Give your body enough time to digest food. For example, wait half an hour after eating fruit, 90 minutes after salad, and three hours after cooked food. Drink your fruit juice slowly and don't eat anything after seven o'clock, anything except fruit. It is better to avoid drinking coffee but if you really must, eat a piece of fruit 15 minutes before your coffee. Don't mix starches and protein in the same meal. One day a week eat only raw food. Reduce your consumption of dairy products.

An advantage of the Fit For Life Diet is its ease to follow. But it is quite strict and you may be hungry. Fruits simply don't keep you full for a long time. If you don't have enough dairy products your system may lack zinc, calcium, vitamin B12 and vitamin D. Unlike <a href="">many popular diets</a>, the Fit For Life Diet does not talk about wine.

Here is a sample menu: For breakfast drink a glass of water and the juice of one pear. Eat a bowl of strawberries. Your mid-morning snack is a nectarine. For lunch eat a tomato salad with basil, grilled sole, and spinach. Supper means a tomato juice, a salad with green beans and bell peppers, and braised endives.

Despite the fact that this diet is no longer a best seller, you won't have any trouble finding a diet book on the Internet. In fact the text is available in several different versions.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Four Critical Yet Often Ignored Facts About Your Brain, Your Mind and Your Health

Every good, safe driver must be familiar with various vehicle fundamentals, such as adding gas to his vehicle, accelerating and braking, reading the speedometer, and more. It is no different with the brain. Improving your mental health and brain fitness begins with a basic awareness of how the brain and the mind work.

For example, imagine that you are discussing an ambitious new project with a client. The situation is difficult, both because the importance of the deal for your career means you are anxious to close it to your advantage, and because the client is being quite condescending. The pressure to succeed and the need to refrain from getting angry make it hard for you to "stay cool" and think straight. This turns out to be a good illustration of the ways that we depend on "emotional self-regulation," and demonstrates the fact that emotional and cognitive functions are tightly interconnected.

The human brain evolved to help us operate in complex, changing environments by continually learning and adapting. Successfully doing so involves a variety of <a href="">brain</a> functions and abilities, including various types of memory, language, emotional regulation, attention and planning.

And the good news is that brain functions are not fixed at birth or after childhood, as our brains constantly change over a lifetime: over the short term in response to our daily thoughts, sensations, feelings, and actions, as well as over the long term, as we continue growing wiser -- and older. The good news is that we are not relegated to passively watching these changes occur. Our brains respond to basic lifestyle factors that we have a large degree of control over, and neuroplasticity (the brain's lifelong capacity to change and rewire itself in response to stimulation and experience) is at the core of the ability to actively improve specific functions through training. Genetics is not destiny.

In particular, it is important to keep in mind these four essential, yet often overlooked, facts:

1) "Smart pills" simply don't exist. Everyone would love to take a magic pill to triple memory capacity. But,published evidence questions the effectiveness and safety of both supplements and drugs for cognitive enhancement. Now, while evidence that "smart" drugs actually work is scarce at the present, we do have a wide-ranging body of research to support the idea that a few fundamental behaviors have a significant influence on our brain health and fitness, and these include physical and mental exercise and a healthy diet. So why don't we start there?

2) Aging can bring decline... Starting in our late 20s and early 30s, research shows that speed of processing and working memory (the type of memory that allows us to both hold information in mind and work on it as needed) tend, on average, to slow down, reducing our capacity to process and deal with complex new information. This is a gradual process that often first becomes noticeable in our early 40s. However, individuals vary significantly in how and when they experience these decreases: some people experience a significant decline while others do not.

3) ... and also improvement. On the other hand, even after the brain is fully formed in young adulthood, researchers have found that functions that benefit from accumulated practice, such as vocabulary-related language skills, pattern recognition, and emotional self-regulation, tend to improve decade after decade. In one study for example, researchers asked individuals from three age groups to read stories about intergroup and interpersonal conflicts and predict how these conflicts would unfold. Compared to young and middle-aged people, older people employed higher reasoning schemes that involved multiple perspectives, allowed for compromise, and recognized the limits of knowledge. So, the point is, we need both to nurture our strengths and to address our weaknesses, if we are to maintain peak performance along extended life and career spans.

4) "Cells that fire together wire together." By practicing a skill over and over we stimulate the same neural networks in the brain, resulting in the strengthening of existing connections and the creation of new ones. Over time, the brain can become more efficient, requiring less effort to do the same job, which is why brain training can work if properly implemented. This is also true with education and lifelong learning. By increasing the connections between brain cells and increasing the so-called brain reserve, learning helps protect the brain against age-related decline and against symptoms, such as memory lapses, due to dementia pathology. Education is a lifelong endeavor, rather than one that largely concludes when we finish school.

Essentially, the way our brains grow is far from fixed due to just DNA or age. More and more science shows that what we do every single day of our lives plays a significant role in our short-term and long-term brain fitness. For example, how many <a href="">brain teasers</a> have you done today? They can make a difference! Education, lifestyle, brain training and decisions under our control matter as much as our genetic inheritance in the trajectory of our mental capacity over time, a realization that can be somewhat daunting but also immensely empowering. By reading this article, you have just now physically changed your brain's neural connections and taken a step towards a healthier and fitter brain. What will your next step be?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Diet Menus And Plans - Revisiting The Dukan Diet

There are literally dozens and dozens of <a href="">diet plans and menus</a> out there. The Dukan Diet, which is also known as the Protal Diet, was created by the French medical Doctor Pierre Dukan. This is a four-step diet based on natural proteins. The first phase involves a drastic change in nutrition. You'll eat few calories and will start to lose weight fast. During the second phase you will alternate between pure proteins and a combination of proteins and vegetables. The third phase consolidates your successes. You follow the fourth phase the rest of your life. Here are some of the diet principles.

Phase 1 is one of pure proteins. Eat as much as you want of the following categories: (with some exceptions, you'll need a book to follow this diet) organ meats, lean meat, skinless poultry, ham and cold cuts, eggs, fish, sea food, and low-fat dairy products. In addition eat only sugar soft drinks, coffee, tea, infusions, vinegar, pickles, chewing gum, and mustard. Drink six glasses of liquids a day. This phase usually lasts five days. During Phase 2 alternate between five days of pure proteins and five days combining proteins and vegetables. There is a long list of permitted vegetables that may be eaten raw or cooked. Use spices, fat-free yogurt, vinegar, or mustard on your vegetables but stay away from oil. Start Phase 3 when you have attained your desired weight. This phase lasts 10 days for each kilogram (2.2 pounds) of weight lost. Continue to alternate as you did in Phase 2 but add a serving of fruit daily. Stay away from grapes, bananas, cherries, and dried fruits. Ea
t two slices of whole-grain bread daily. Eat 40 grams of cooked rind cheese such as Gouda daily. Eat two portions of starchy food every week. Once or twice each week eat boiled ham, leg of lamb, or roast pork. You may celebrate by eating anything you want with a glass of <a href="">wine </a>twice a week, but not the same day. And no seconds are allowed. Once a week eat a pure protein meal as in Phase 1. Phase 4 is the final stabilization phase. Once a week eat a pure protein meal. Eat 3 tablespoons of oat bran daily.

The Dukan Diet is said to almost never make you hungry. Disadvantages include the necessity of following it closely. Phase 1 is lacking in vitamins, and all phases are lacking in lipids. You may require dietary supplements.

Here is a sample menu: (Phase 2) Breakfast: two fat-free yogurts. a poached egg, a slice of turkey, and a cup of coffee.. Lunch: A shrimp and endive salad. A stuffed cabbage and a fat-free yogurt. Your mid-afternoon snack is a slice of chicken. Supper: Stuffed crab, salmon and spinach. Dessert is meringue floating on custard. The Internet is almost floating with Dukan Diet books and recipe books.

Friday, January 17, 2014

The Need for Management Training

Management training is important for companies. Unfortunately, it is often ignored or overlooked by human resources departments. Remember that training is an investment and can have a very positive effect on your enterprise. There are numerous short-term courses on business management and related fields. Enrollment in relevant modules can enhance your skills and boost career development paths.

One possible dilemma of new managers is the lack of proper understanding. This inadequate perception refers to the role that corporate leaders need to fulfill. The initial step in effective management training is to help define the overall company vision and mission clearly. The role of managers should also be delineated very well. Training helps managers to concentrate on multiple aspects of the job. It can prevent you from being overcome by immense responsibilities. The exercise ultimately builds a purpose that can impact the organization and enhance performance, loyalty and interest.

Management training develops competent managers who can influence the rank and file to become better employees. The end result is higher percentage of employee retention and ultimate client satisfaction. Management is the nucleus of any enterprise. It serves as the link between workers and shareholders. Weak managers prevent the company from going forward. It will stand still and eventually become unsuccessful regardless of the efforts put in by all the employees.

Proper management training extends further than the individual manager. The successful manager will be capable of coaching and motivating subordinates. Relevant management modules can equip the manager with flair to inspire employees to become more productive. You can consider management training as an investment not only on the individual but the whole team as well. Sustained training spawns self-confidence among leaders. This trait is important because it teaches managers to cope with challenges that come along the way.

An organized training program ensures the following: transparent setting of objectives, organized performance evaluation mechanism, straightforward feedback system, and efficient communications between all members of the organization. Corporate entities should invest heavily in the middle management level. This is the most essential tier of corporate leadership. Trained managers are responsible for boosting morale making training a very vital tool in the organization.

The big picture in any company is the employee-manager relationship which is described as the most valuable factor in "employee motivation". Managers who are capable and perform efficiently can help create a more dynamic work force. This is what the company needs to be successful.

To learn more about management courses melbourne, click on the links below:

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Diet Plans And Menus - Reviewing The Doctor Phil Diet

This article is one of a series that describe dozens and dozens of <a href="">diets</a>. The Doctor Phil Diet was created by the famous Dr. Phil McGraw. He proposes a seven-step program, each step to be followed for quite a long time. This is an approach based on cognition and behavior, in other words it is based on the analysis of your thoughts, your beliefs, and your behaviour.. He also recommends taking food supplements, in particular calcium, and vitamins C and E. Unlike many diets that allow you to <a href="">drink wine </a>or even call for its moderate consumption, this diet does not talk about wine. Here are some of the diet principles.

Be positive. According to him, a positive attitude and self-mastery will help you attain your objectives, including weight control. Believe in yourself. Control your stress and then you will control your weight. Place yourself in a good environment. Stay away from fast foods. Clean out your cupboards and throw away any and all dangerous food. Make a list and use it when you shop. Replace your bad habits by activities such as reading or sports. Eat slowly without looking at the TV and ingest small mouthfuls. Eat only foods with high energy content; these tend to be natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, eggs, fish, lean meat, brown rice, and light dairy products. This diet clearly defines the number of daily portions of foods and food categories. For example, eat three portions of protein foods and four portions of vegetables each day. Tell the people who are close to you that you are dieting and enlist their support. Dr. Phil even suggests that you d
istance yourself from those who won't support you.

An advantage of this diet is its high level of detail; in fact, it may give you the impression that you have a personal coach. Its menus are balanced and the forbidden foods aren't good for you. Make sure that you control your emotions, instead of allowing them to control you. Be sure to do physical exercise. Dr. Phil insists on the importance of listening to your hunger signals. One major disadvantage can be the psychological aspects because the Doctor Phil Diet demands major behavioral changes.

Here is a sample menu: For your Breakfast enjoy an omelet with fine herbs, corn oatmeal, half a cantaloupe, and a cup of tea or coffee. Lunchtime means a bowl of pumpkin soup, tuna salad with lettuce and tomatoes and a slice of whole wheat bread. Your mid-afternoon snack is a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. For supper have a salmon filet, spinach, brown rice, and a green salad.

Given Dr. Phil's popularity, it comes as no surprise that several diet and cookbooks are readily available on the Internet.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

How To Be An Alpha Male And Get the Girl Of Your Dreams

It is no secret that every single man is motivated by a beautiful woman. Beautiful women is what makes the world function. One of the biggest motivators for men is women, which is why so many men aspire to acquire things that will attract a beautiful women. Contrary to popular belief, you really don't need to have a fancy car or expensive clothes, or strikingly good looks in order to attract a beautiful woman. There is much more you can do that will work in your favor in order to get the girl of your dreams.

Personalty is key as well, and one of the biggest things you can do is work on yourself first. Focus on improving yourself, and girls will be attracted to you. If you focus on improving your own appearance, you will increase your confidence. No matter how attractive or unattractive you may think you are now, anyone can see improvement with a few easy steps. Once you've focused on improving your looks that best you can, you need to focus on improving your personality. This is not to say that you need to change who you are or try to pretend to be someone you are not. What this means it that you need to focus on self improvement on all levels. Reach out, try new hobbies, volunteer, do something you've never done before. By doing things you've never done before you may end up meeting a girl you've never even imagined.

When you have yourself in a situation where you are confident, now you can get into more of the details on attracting women. Be sure to dress the part, smell nice, and give off the vibe that you are sure of yourself. Women are attracted to a guy with confidence more than anything. Be unique too. Every guy in the world uses the same compliments, same pickup lines, and same strategies as every other guy out there. Be unique, pickup a good book that will teach you self improvement and how to meet and attract beautiful women.

There are a lot of good books out there for learning how to attract a beautiful woman, many will outline steps and guidelines of exactly what you have to do. You need to focus on yourself first, and then follow some easy steps and you'll soon become much more attractive to women than you ever realized possible.

Checkout my favorite and the best book for getting the woman of your dreams:

The Art of the Alpha Male: How to Be A Man that Attracts Beautiful Women on Amazon:

Friday, January 10, 2014

Time Management Tips - How To Transition Successfully And Age Creatively Using The 4 A's Of Aging

Time management tips can befriend you for life. The best time tips help you transition successfully as you navigate the developmental stages of living.

Growing into your power as you age requires that you engage in a constant process of recognition and readjustment. This is truly transformational evolution! The more wholeheartedly you engage, the more creativity you bring to each challenge. You reap great rewards, ripening into a seasoned and resilient sage.

Growing into middle age provides a perfect example. Naturally, you constantly evolve, but the trajectory of acquisition shifts suddenly when your body slows down. However disruptive this feels at first, you can use it to your advantage. When you embrace the challenge of aging, your freshness of outlook will present you with countless opportunities to enhance your life satisfaction.

Let's say you are someone who has always enjoyed being energetic, efficient, and productive. You may notice a shift in what you are able to accomplish in a particular span of time. It happens gradually, but the realization may come upon you suddenly.

Perhaps one evening you find yourself feeling puzzled and frustrated; you just can't pack as much into a 3-hour span as you used to. This is normal, if not welcome. You may experience upsurges in stamina, and then downturns. Over time, the cumulative effect is a lessening of vitality. And gradual waning continues, for as long as you are lucky enough to be here.

Following are four tips to direct your energy to creatively adjust.

4 A's of Aging to Creatively Ripen Your Power

1. Alertness:

Accepting reality provides a solid foundation to build on. It involves both seeing what is, and also honestly experiencing your feelings about what you are confronting.

To the degree that you deny your aging, you will constantly be at odds with what you encounter. The ongoing work of revision, on the other hand, strengthens your core and preserves your balance.

2. Adaptation

Once you have accepted the fact of change, you liberate your energy and creativity to proactively meet each challenge you encounter. This may mean changing the way you do things. It will also entail modifying your expectations to life as it is.

Paradoxically, genuinely coming to terms with the limits of your control helps you direct your energy more effectively to what you can change. So your net result may be exercising more power than ever before!

3. Agility:

As a former dancer, agility has always been a foundational skill for me. So I love bringing it into my aging process. And its importance extends to my responding with nimbleness to any challenge. I generate heightened alertness and unconditional commitment to meet each moment with my full power. Ultimately, it is a powerful resource as I journey through time!

4. Acceptance:

Acceptance opens the door to creativity - a quality that grows with total commitment. And total commitment requires full awareness and self-acceptance. Face your aging and anchor yourself in the present, making the most of your ever-changing resources in an ever-changing world.

Old age, too, presents remarkable opportunities. Not only can you enjoy the benefits of the disciplines you've developed so far - you can also make wiser time choices. Balance and perspective accrue through the years. Expectations are seasoned by experience. Heightened knowledge of mortality intensifies the beauty of the moment. At least it can, if you use each moment to the best from here on.

Identify the age-related shifts you notice as you move through your day. How does each one affect your energy, focus, and productivity? Try tracking this for a week and see what you learn. And don't forget to welcome and process your feelings about your discoveries. These are areas that you are likely to experience as losses initially. As you accept this, you can transform it!

And to energize and mobilize yourself, sign up for our free Finding Time Success Kit, with "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Steps to Find More Time & Recharge Your Energy!" at

This time template plus workbook will help you move beyond disappointment, and overwhelm. You'll find 24 hours really are enough!

Offered to you by Paula Eder, the Time Finder Expert.

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How to Keep Your New Years Resolution for 2014

Every year like clock work people come up with what their new years resolutions will be. The only problem with these are that most people will never end up following through with them. Having goals for yourself is a good thing, and it helps you to grow as a person, but if you never take actions on those goals they never become accomplishments. Goals with no action plan or no motivation are simply just wishes. Wishes never seem to happen, unless you're living in some sort of fairytale land.

When it comes down to making your new years resolution for 2014 come true, try and focus on something realistic. Most people will center their new years resolutions around owing weight, making more money, getting a new job, or something similar. Some will even make their new years resolution that they want to find the love of their life, or increase their romance in their current relationships. The good news is that all of these goals are absolutely actionable and attainable under the right steps.

Be sure your goal is realistic and something that you not only truly want to accomplish, but something that is realistic for you to actually get done. Setting goals that are too far out will likely lead to discouragement and end up never happening. The first step is to set a goal that is attainable, and then set an action plan of what you're actually going to do to achieve that goal. Since new years resolutions typically revolve around losing weight I'll use that as an example. Setting a goal of "I want to lose weight" doesn't really tell me anything. However, setting a goal of I want to lose 20 pounds by this time next year gives you a set measurable goal for you to achieve. Once you have the set measurable goal in your mind, you just need to set your priorities and make a list of tasks you can do to achieve that goal. There is much more that goes into sticking to your new years resolutions however.

There are a ton of guides online and tips you can find for what you should to to be able to stick to your new years resolution. A simple google search will assist you, and remember not to give up. Giving up is the worst thing you can do, don't be afraid of failure, go for your goals. Check out what it takes to truly accomplish your New Years resolutions so by next year you can be proud that you have accomplished them.

John Stone recommends the following instructions on how to stick to your New Years Resolution :

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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thinking Of Dieting - The Dr Cohen Diet

The Doctor Cohen Diet was created by Jean-Michel Cohen, a French medical nutritionist. Actually this diet has two versions, the fast diet that restricts dieters to a mere 900 calories a day and the comfort version that allows 1400 calories a day. With the rapid version you may lose 6.5 to 9 pounds (3 or 4 kilograms) every two weeks. With the comfort version you may lose 9 to 11 pounds (4 to 5 kilograms) per month. Don't look for trouble - do not follow the rapid version for a period of several months. Here are some of the principles.

There are no forbidden foods but of course at 900 calories per day you won't be able to eat a lot of your favorite foods unless you are the watercress type. Manage your diet yourself, for instance don't eat if you are not hungry. It is said that you can skip a meal when you want. Combine fiber, protein, and sugar-containing foods on your plate. Vary your food, including fruits and vegetables. Avoid sugary and alcoholic drinks. Yogurt should always be sugarless and fat free. Eat lean meat and fish or seafood. Try to replace cheese with eggs or yogurt. Don't eat too many eggs, and egg whites are better than egg yolks. Make sure to enjoy lots of soup; this is one way to consume more vegetables. Many people will like the principle that suggests not feeling guilty should you stray once in a while.

You should eat 150 grams (about 5 ounces) of medium-sized fruits such as pears, apples, or peaches, and 300 grams of cantaloupe, or 200 grams of little red fruits, watermelon, or grapefruit daily.

The 900-calorie version of this diet has the advantage of rapid weight loss. The 1400-calorie version is balanced; it includes foods from all food groups. A disadvantage of the rapid version is that your breakfast is not substantial. And it doesn't contain starches.

Here is a sample 900 calorie menu: Menu 1 (900-calorie version) Breakfast: Tea and a sugarless, fat free yogurt. Lunch: A cucumber salad seasoned with parsley and vinegar. 125 grams (not even 4 ounces) of lean beef. A serving of green beans. A sugarless, fat free yogurt. A pear. For Supper vegetable soup, 125 grams of grilled Pollock (fish). serving of broccoli. A sugarless, fat free yogurt. An orange.

A Dr. Cohen Diet book is available in both traditional and electronic versions.

Levi Reiss wrote or co-authored ten computer and Internet books and teaches computers at an Ontario French-language community college. Visit his wine, diet, health, and nutrition website and check out his wine diet articles.

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Utilitarianism & Substance Abuse Part I

Until this point the spotlight of our articles has been inititally concerned with various psychological concepts and theories that demonstrate some connectivity with substance dependency. While ideally these discussions further the overall understanding of the subject more broadly, a fresh perspective could be beneficial in expanding how we conceive of substance dependency. Specifically, a citation of John Stuart Mill's Utilitarianism may offer additional insight into helpful motivations and cognitions regarding pleasure, happiness, ideal mental states, and changes in behavior.

If the goal is to move forward with any sort of clarity, Mill's central points should be illuminated - in at least a superficial context. However this procession do not constitute a thorough elaboration of Mill, nor does it fully appreciate all his philosophy has to offer. Instead, the basic concepts will be clarified and compared to substance abuse. This specific discourse will avoid political claims, rather, it will cleve more closely to the ethical implications for substance dependent individuals and how utility potentially applies to their experiences.

Mill on Joy

Mill's utility ideology is the backbone of his ethical policy, Utilitarianism. Stated clearly, the basis of utility is "the creed which accepts as the foundation of morals 'utility' or the 'greatest happiness principle' holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness is intended pleasure and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain and the privation of pleasure." Mill is advocating happiness as the primary goal of human beings, inclusive to each individual person. Additionally he is essentially condensing happiness to the greatest amount of satisfaction. Some have taken this to signify the ultimate quality of happiness for the greatest quantity of people. And, as Mill says, the ultimate goal also means the elimination of pain for the highest number of people. People want to be happy; the most optimal way to achieve joy is to maximize pleasure in addition to what is ideal, and t
o diminish pain.

Here Mill does not mean any type of pleasure. He is in fact referring to a particular kind of pleasure, truthfully, mental pleasures. Here Mill takes mental pleasures to be intellectual engagement, good health, cognitive awareness, and to an extent, a certain element of autonomy. From Mill, these should be isolated from the lesser pleasures or pleasures of the body. These inferior indulgences include pleasures that are ordinary even amid animals. Simple sensation or the satisfaction of hunger, sex, or any other animalistic appetites are contained in the definition of lower pleasures. The kinds of pleasure explicated by Mill make visible a theme: the pleasures that merit pursuing are called 'higher' pleasures and have a particular dignity, while the lesser pleasures are only physical sensations. There is a definite distinction insomuch as some pleasures are more ideal than others. But Mill is lucid enough that there is a dignity which delineates humans from other beasts. In th
is way, Mill's conception of human happiness evades a bullet as being too visceral.

This article covers John Stuart Mill and his views on happiness. In this multi-part piece, Mike Writes covers utilitarianism as it pertains to drug rehab & alcohol detox.

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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Kickboxing Classes

The trend of keeping yourself fit is increasing all around the world this is the reason why many people have started joining gyms and other sort of activities that could help them to keep fit. Kickboxing classes are becoming popular as it can provide many different health benefits to you. It is a type of exercise that will workout your legs, arms, chest, stomach and calves all at the same time.

When you join kickboxing class make sure you find the right trainer for yourself who is able to provide you one to one sessions as well. This sport has seen a lot of drastic changes and it is not as traditional as it used to be. Different trainers incorporate their own techniques and give this sport their own style in order to come up with good results.

This has made it a bit confusing to choose the right class for yourself. In order to decide where to get registered, first of all you should consider the main reason behind joining the class. Once you know why you want to join then you should start looking at the available options in this regards. If you are interested in a particular class, gather information about its location, total fees charges, time table and other relevant information.

Its important that you visit the facility where these classes are organized before getting enrolled so that you exactly know what you are getting yourself into. If necessary, sit in a class and observe their teaching style and whether it suits you or not. If you don't feel comfortable or if something doesn't feel right to you then you can easily make your decision.

Another important thing is that you must have all the relevant information about whether the instructor is certified or not. If the instructor is certified that means the course you are going to take is credible and you must not have any doubts about taking it whatsoever.

Always sign up for a class that is best for your level of expertise. For instance, if you are a beginner then it is not advisable to opt for advanced classes because you wouldn't be able to cope. Ask any questions and concerns if you have before joining anything. Always think about your safety and then decide on whether you want to join or not.

Kickboxing is an advanced level sport and not everyone is capable of doing it. Although many health benefits are associated if you practice it regularly but you need to have stamina and strength to cope with the demands of this particular activity. It is not something that every individual can do but its always better to make an effort and see if it is something for you.

It can be said that there are a few important things that you should keep in mind before getting enrolled to kickboxing classes. Depending on your skill level as well as strength and capability you should opt for a class that you think will suit you the most.

Join our exciting kickboxing classes today by registering on To take part in fitness kickboxing sessions, sign up via here

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Saturday, January 4, 2014

How to Develop Communications Skills

Good communication skills can help you understand other people and situations better. It is useful in patching up differences and fostering trust. Proper communications build environments where innovative ideas, friendliness, and compassion can thrive. Unfortunately, improper communications can lead to misunderstanding. It creates discord among peers and frustration in persons. That is why you need to learn the proper way of communicating with other persons.

Communications can be learned but it is said to be more useful when it is unprompted instead of being mechanical. Of course, it entails a great deal of effort and time to acquire this flair. You need to put in considerable exertion and practice constantly before becoming a proficient communicator. This dexterity puts together a combination of verbal and non-verbal communications, focused listening and understanding of your emotions as well as that of the individual you interact with.

You can use a lot of help in polishing your competence in connecting with colleagues. Maintain just one conversation at a given time. People will not want a "divided interest". Moreover, you have the tendency to leave out vital details if there are many things being discussed simultaneously. This can only create confusion or misunderstanding. It can lead to failure of communications. Focus on the person that you are talking with and make the conversation brief but meaningful.

Look at other people directly in the eye. Eye contact will show your sincerity and seriousness in conveying an important message to another person. At the same time, ask questions and clarifications if the message being passed on is not clear. In fact, it may help to pose some challenging ideas during the conversation. This exercise will enable you to think well and ensure that both parties are having a healthy exchange of idea.

Make use on non-verbal gestures. This is commonly referred to as body language and includes facial articulation, body movement, gesticulation, bearing, voice tone, and breathing. The manner of listening moving and reacting tells more about your intimate feelings. Make sure to develop the capability of oral and non-spoken communications. These can help you connect with other people agreeably, express your thoughts better and develop improved relationships in the workplace. Effective interaction will ensure that your association with co-workers will become more evocative. It can be a way of strengthening teamwork and proper decision-making. Communications can enable everyone to transmit complicated messages without causing disagreements and breaking up trust.

To learn more about where to find communication skills in Melbourne, click on the links below:

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Diet Pans And Menus - Reviewing The Dissociated Diet

The Dissociated Diet is based on the theory of equilibrium between acids and bases. This diet works in function with the laws of digestion and divides foods into three major categories, which are: glucides, proteins, and neutral foods as will be described later in this article. The basic idea of this diet is to avoid eat the three major food groups at the same time. It is alleged that doing so will wreak havoc on the digestive system. Here are some of the Dissociated Diet principles.

You are advised to eat a breakfast rich in glucides and in proteins or one that is rich in fruit. Now if you choose to eat fruit for breakfast, that's all you'll have. The glucide-rich foods that you should consider include low-acidity fruits such as apricots, dates, and bananas; non-processed dried fruits with the exception of raisins, grains like as wild rice and quinoa, vegetables such as potatoes and sweet potatoes, and other foods such as honey, brown sugar, and maple syrup. Among the protein rich foods that you should consider are meat, ripened cheeses with a minimum of 45% butterfat, soy-based products, fish and seafood, berries, citrus fruit, and fruit juice, and eggs. For lunch you should have a protein dish that is accompanied by vegetables and a salad. Alternatively you may eat neutral foods that are composed of proteins and glucides. For dinner eat a glucide dish or a neutral one.

This diet suggests that you eat snacks. Your mid-morning snack may come from any of the three food groups. Your mid-afternoon snack may be rich in glucides or in neutral elements but it should not be based on proteins. Drink a lot, about two and a half liters or quarts daily. And practice a sport such as bicycling or walking. Be sure that you start your exercise program slowly to avoid injury but then exercise on a regular basis.

One advantage of the Disssociated Diet is the variety and balance of its meals. This diet relies on good dietary habits. One disadvantage is that you will have to learn how foods are classified when preparing your meals.

Here is a sample menu: For Breakfast have a bagel with a banana, a yoghurt, and a cup of tea or coffee. Lunchtime means sliced beef with vegetables. The mid-afternoon snack is Swedish bread accompanied by cheese. For supper have curried potatoes.

Levi Reiss wrote or co-authored ten computer and Internet books and teaches computers at an Ontario French-language community college. Visit his wine, diet, health, and nutrition website and check out his wine diet articles.

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Friday, January 3, 2014

How to Change a Bad Mood

When you're in a really bad mood, it might feel like nothing can snap you out of it.

Are you caught up in negativity and bad feelings and you don't see a way out? There are actually things you can do to improve your mood. Although all people are different and we all measure our bad moods in different ways, there are some tried and true techniques for breaking a bad mood. Because of your negative mood, you might not be open to trying some of these, but you should try them anyway. Even though your heart may not be in it in the very beginning, once you get into some of these strategies, it won't take long for that bad mood to lift.

1. Work it out. While doing exercise when you're feeling grumpy might not seem like an attractive plan of action, it's actually one of the best things you can do. Endorphins, which are associated with feeling good, are released through physical activity. Not only this, but it could well help you work through some anger or feelings of aggression that have triggered your bad mood.

2. Get unplugged. Many, when in a bad mood, waste time surfing around the net and spending time on social networking sites. This, in general, does little to improve your mood, on the contrary, it could well put you in a worse mood. Because many people begin to compare what they have with what others have when browsing their friends' profiles, looking at social networks might affect you negatively. What people share online are usually the best of the best moments, rarely a complete snapshot of their lives, but this can make you feel like your own life could never be so perfect. Do yourself a favor and turn off your computer and put down your smartphone if you're feeling down in the dumps.

3. Get out of the house. Now that you've closed your Internet down, get yourself out of the house for a period of time. Go outside and be in nature, if at all possible. If that's not possible, or not your thing, go to one of your favorite spots where you can be around other people. Maybe try a local coffee shop, restaurant, store, or park.

4. Call your friends up. Being in a bad mood usually makes us pretty antisocial, but if you surround yourself with good friends, your bad mood won't be able to stick around for long. You might even find yourself faking a good mood for your friends' sake, and then surprise yourself by actually beginning to feel batter!

5. Do something for someone else. Nothing snaps a person out of their bad mood better than a little bit of perspective. There's always someone who is in a worse situation than you are, and if you set out to help a person in need you're sure to have your own problems put into perspective in no time.

6. Laugh. Put on your favorite movie. Listen to your favorite radio show, comedian, or call up a friend who makes you laugh. Put your favorite soing on and dance around your house like you're in a hilarious movie. You might not feel like laughing at first, but once you start you'll find that your mood will improve in spite of what you expected.

Peter Field is one of the UK's leading therapists. He is a qualified counselor, psychotherapist, nutritionist and Board Certified hypnotherapist. More info can be found on his therapy website Peter's self hypnosis for anxiety download is now available at

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Leadership Training: Unravel The Leader in You

Each of us has leadership potential, waiting to be unraveled. But discovering such power can be a challenge. Some have successfully harnessed the power within them, while others failed or simply gave up. The following are some helpful insights and suggestions:


Where do you start discovering the leader within you? The first step is knowing yourself. But self-discovering can be difficult, but it surely can be done; and age is not a barrier.

Self-analysis is the best way to discover yourself. Ask yourself questions that are engaging and critical, those that are related to your skills, knowledge, as well as the way you relate to people around you. Some self-analytical questions are the following:

1. What am I most passionate about? 2. Which activities am I better at than my friends, siblings, or peers? 3. Which activities which I don't get tired or bored about? 4. What are my most unique, outstanding qualities? 5. How good are my decision-making skills? 6. What positive attributes do people identify in me? 7. Do I feel genuinely for other people? 8. Do I feel like guiding and helping others? 9. Am I able to encourage and motivate others?

Your answer to these questions will reveal your skills, interests, personality traits and lead you to the right career choice. Consider a professional self-analysis test on reputable online sites or institutions, or consult a career expert. You can also attend professional leadership training courses.


The essential element that separates mediocre from the achievers is strong self-motivation. The key factors that keep a person motivated are positive attitude, desire, passion, high energy levels, and goal-focus. True and great leaders know and understand the need to motivate people.

Taking initiative in your role is an essential leadership skill. As what the popular Steve Jobs stated, "Innovation distinguishes a leader and a follower."

Balanced People and Task Orientation:
Popularity is not true leadership. What is true and effective leadership is about balancing people and task orientation, as the situation requires, making sure that people are self-motivated and performing their best towards excellence. In addition, strong and effective communication skills and a decent personality equips you in becoming a great leader in any profession.


Your leadership style is largely if not solely based on your personality strengths and traits.

Finance, technology, and engineering careers require an analytical style of leadership with strengths in facts and figures, and research. For a career in marketing, develop optimism, communication, time management, high-energy levels, and a participative style of leadership that thrives on goal and team orientation.

But what happens if your career requires fast thinking and decision-making like in times of emergency situations? Police and surgeons, for example, oftentimes find themselves in situations requiring an authoritative style of leadership. It is important to recognize that leadership skills are always tested in challenging and unpredictable situations. A police officer, surgeon, or CEO sometimes tend to take authoritative decisions as required by situations, but also apply their innate leadership styles such as, inspirational, transformational, and charismatic.

Therefore, leadership style is a result of an understanding of the situation and the needs of the people being led. Develop a style of leadership as demanded by your career, and adapt and/or modify to the challenges.

To discover and/or develop the leader in you, consider leadership training courses by Institute for Communication Management and Leadership. Follow these links for more information:

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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Diet Plans And Menus - Revisiting The Detox Diet

The Detox-Slimming Diet was created to eliminate toxins from your body. It consists of a ten-day detox phase, a stabilization phase that lasts from one to eight weeks, and life-long habits to be acquired. On the first day you get your body used to eating only fruits, vegetables, and grains. On the second and third days you eat only one kind of fruit, but as much as you want. You will have to learn the rules that vary from day to day during the initial phase.

Your diet should include organic fruits and vegetables, fatty fish (three times a week), fiber-rich foods, dried fruit, and oils such as olive or walnut oil. You must drink lots of water. Be sure that you avoid foods which are rich in saturated fats or sugars, white bread, carbonated drinks, prepared foods, meat, and diary products. Eat at least balanced three meals a day. Reduce your stress to reduce toxins. Exercise, for example, walk, run, bicycle, swim, or use cardio-vascular equipment. If you feel tired wait a week before restarting.

During the diet's initial phase start off each day with a glass of 50% lemon juice and 50% hot water. Then perform a series of stretching exercises. Have green tea at breakfast. Write down your weight every day. The detox soup includes celery, green cabbage, bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, leeks, eggplant, and herbs. During the stabilization phase eat five or more fruits or vegetables per day. One meal may include meat or fish. Another meal consists of the detox soup or sliced raw vegetables. During the final, life-long, phase you should eat daily five to seven fruits or vegetables, a portion of cereal, starchy food, or legumes. Each week eat three or four portions of fish and one or two portions of red meat or eggs.

Here is a sample menu associated with the diet's final phase: For breakfast enjoy a bowl of whole-grain cereal with soy milk, a glass of fresh apple juice, and a tea. Lunch means a green salad, vegetarian lasagna, and half a cantaloupe. For your mid-afternoon snack have an apple. Supper is a bowl of soup followed by a piece of chicken breast, ratatouille, a serving of whole-grain rice, and a soy dessert.

A quick glance at the Amazon web site revealed several versions of the Detox Diet book. Some of them are available for the Kindle reader.

Levi Reiss wrote or co-authored ten computer and Internet books and teaches computers at an Ontario French-language college. Visit his wine, diet, health, and nutrition website to check out his articles on diet problems.

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