Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Benefits of Light-hearted Comedic Discussion Forums

If you have ever encountered a computer connected to the internet, you know it can be quite a chaotic place. While cyberspace can be a bastion of fun, passion-driven discussions on all sorts of important topics, it can also be an endless pit of cringe-worthy ignorance and ugliness. The comments section on online video clips is almost enough to convince even the most humanitarian individual that it may just be better for civilization as we know it to be cleansed mercilessly with fire in order for us to progress as a species. However, there is hope. One of the most effective ways in combating this kind of negative behavior (or at least prevent it from infecting you) is to keep things light. Most comedic discussion forums are aware of their environmental make-up and work hard to make their sites safe places for all kinds of social discussions.

One way you can keep comedy in even the most heated and heavy discussions is by remembering that losing or winning an argument has no effect on whether or not you are still allowed to maintain your own opinion on the matter in question. One conversation on the internet is not an accurate assessment about your intelligence and ethical status, so try not to take it too seriously. Remember, you always have the choice to walk away before it gets bitter and mean-spirited, as many online debates often do.

This ties directly into the idea that you must also have a handle on perspective. It can take some practice to develop a system that keeps you from getting out of hand, but frustration can be managed. Economic online discourse demands that we are aware of who we are in the larger social conversation. We are not, as individuals, expected to be total experts on everything we have ideas on. Some contextual knowledge is, of course, rightly expected when engaging in a conversation, but remember that you are still learning. If your focus in a discussion is on becoming a better student of the argument and topic, there is hardly a way you can come out if the experience without having picked up or learned something of merit.

When it comes to exchanges on the internet, you can find people willing to pick a fight about anything. Whether it's an argument over One Direction and Justin Bieber or the merits of laissez-faire capitalism, there will be people there to push your buttons right alongside those willing to talk. Keeping your cool is essential in continuing to enjoy great social media sites and in maintaining a calm, level-headed composure on comedic discussion forums. We learn best from one another, after all, when we are willing to be open minded, relaxed, and intellectually challenging with each other, so finding and supporting spaces that provide that kind of environment is essential.

Kaelyn Kelly-Colon is an SEO writer that has covered many different kinds of topics, including comedic discussion forums such as .

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