Monday, August 11, 2014

How to Stop Struggling

Copyright (c) 2014 Joe Vitale

ABC, CBS, Fox and many national television news shows are interested in my movement to stop homelessness, called Operation YES.

They want to hand me a family that has lost their home, or is about to, and have me work with them as they televise the process.

I'm game. I want to prove that any situation can be changed by handling your belief system, focusing on what you want, consciously implementing the law of attraction, and taking action.

But while I'm eager to make this happen and help millions of people, I also know the people I talk to have to be ready to change.

For example, one news station found a woman who had lost her voice box due to cancer, and then her job.

She has four kids and no way to talk to them. She now writes to them on a white board.

Her husband quit his job to help her, and now they may lose their home.

I asked for more details. I could see from the video footage the news station sent me that the woman is strong. She wrote "I am a fighter" on her white board and showed the camera. I'm convinced she can find new income and save her home with some direction and support.

But I wanted to know more about the husband.

As I wrote in my book The Attractor Factor, if two people are involved in a project, both have to be clear for them to achieve their intended result. If one isn't, he or she could hold up progress.

So I asked about the husband.

The reporter was impressed at my "astuteness," as she said the husband was the weak link.

He quit his job when he didn't have to. Neighbors were willing to drive the woman to her doctor appointments, and help with her children.

If I worked with this couple, I'd have to see that the husband was open to change. Apparently he isn't, as the news reporters themselves told me so. (The husband later wrecked the car.)

If I worked with the woman, but the husband resisted my help, there would be little if any permanent change.

But this isn't an excuse to blame other people.

If you're in a situation where you are struggling, ask yourself how you can get clear of the inner issues in you causing the struggle.

As I've explained in my book Zero Limits, and in The Key, the issues aren't with other people or outer circumstances: they are with you.

Get clear within you and those people will either change or move on.

I'm working on my own inner blocks so I can help anyone, even the husband who may be resistant.

Still, your "circle of support" (as I wrote about the other day) will uplift you or deflate you, depending on their mindset.

If that woman got inspired because of my personal help, but then went home to her husband who ridiculed her or me, she'd have less energy to make a change. She could still make a change, but it'd be much tougher.

If you want to stop struggling, you need at least these things -

1. The decision to have something better.

2. Support to take new actions.

3. Clearing of your beliefs.

With those three steps you can change any situation. Again, it's not the situation at issue. It's your inner state.

And you can change that - with help.

Dr. Joe Vitale is the star of the hit movie, "The Secret." He is also the author of way too many bestselling books to mention here. To name a few: The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits and his latest, Attract Money Now. He's also recorded many Nightingale Conant audio programs, and most recently, "The Abundance Paradigm." He also created a Miracles Coaching program and much more! For more information on Joe Vitale, go to:

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